Chapter 21 - The Day of the Black Sun

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As Kira continued her journey toward the Fire Nation, the third week of her travels brought an unexpected and somewhat welcome change in her solitary trek. On a particularly rugged stretch of the road, she encountered Haru, a young Earthbender from her own homeland, also on his way to join Team Avatar and assist in the upcoming invasion. Recognizing each other as kindred spirits from the Earth Kingdom, they quickly fell into easy conversation, finding comfort in their shared background.

Haru was tall and strong, with a gentle demeanor that belied his formidable Earthbending skills. As they traveled together, their initial camaraderie blossomed into playful banter, their exchanges peppered with light-hearted teasing. Kira found herself enjoying Haru’s company far more than she had expected, his presence a balm to the loneliness of her journey.

One evening, as they set up camp under the stars, Haru challenged Kira to a game of Pai Sho, a game she had often played with Zuko. The memory was bittersweet, but she welcomed the distraction. As they played, their laughter mingled with the crackling of the campfire, and Kira felt a warmth that had nothing to do with the fire.

As the days passed, their connection deepened. One cool night, after sharing stories of their past and hopes for the future, Haru gently took Kira’s hand. The contact sent a jolt of warmth through her, surprising her with its intensity. Before she knew it, Haru leaned in, and they shared a kiss under the moonlight, a moment of sweet connection that led to several more kisses in the days that followed.

Kira found herself torn. She enjoyed Haru’s affection and the simplicity of their burgeoning relationship, yet her heart still ached for Zuko. Despite Haru’s kindness, she couldn’t shake her lingering feelings for the Fire Prince.

One night, as Kira sat by the fire after Haru had fallen asleep, her thoughts drifted to the Draught of Lethargy. She remembered the nightmarish grip it had on her, how it had dulled her pain but also her spirit. The memory of the Fire Nation soldier’s assault still haunted her; it was an encounter that had almost broken her, saved only by her own resilience and the intervention of fate.

With these heavy thoughts swirling in her mind, Kira decided to pen another letter to Zuko, a habit that had become her emotional outlet.


Dear Zuko,

Guess who’s become quite the heartbreaker? If you thought I’d be moping around, forever pining over you, you’re in for a surprise. I’ve met someone—Haru, an Earthbender from back home. He’s sweet, you know, and guess what? He actually enjoys my company. We’ve even shared a few kisses. Shocking, isn’t it?

I bet you're wondering if he’s a better kisser than you. Well, I wouldn’t want to bruise your ego by answering that, would I? Oh, how we used to play Pai Sho and splash around like kids. Sometimes I miss that. But life moves on, and so have I. I guess we’re both playing different games now, aren’t we?

Remember that awful potion, the Draught of Lethargy? I haven’t touched it since that night. You know, the night I almost lost myself. It’s been hard, especially when memories of what that Fire Nation soldier tried to do come creeping in. But I’m stronger now, more than ever. And I owe none of that strength to you.

So here I am, making new memories, while you’re probably off brooding somewhere. If it makes you jealous to hear about Haru, good. Maybe you’ll think twice about how you tossed us aside. But deep down, Zuko, part of me still… No, I won’t say it. Not yet.

Take care of yourself, Zuko. Or don’t. The choice is yours, as it always was.

Forever the girl you left behind, 


Sealing the letter with a mix of satisfaction and a pang of unresolved longing, Kira set it aside. She knew these letters were her way of processing her tangled emotions—a blend of independence, lingering love, and newfound bitterness. As she watched the flames flicker, she felt a sense of peace. Haru was sweet, but her journey was her own, defined by her choices, her battles, and her healing.

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