Chapter 10 - Games

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The next day at the tea shop was unusually quiet. Zuko moved mechanically, preparing tea and serving customers, but his mind was elsewhere. Usually, around this time, Kira would stroll in, her presence bringing a vibrant energy that filled the small space. But today, the door remained disappointingly still.

Iroh, ever observant, noticed the change in both the atmosphere and in Zuko's demeanor. As he wiped down a table, he casually asked, "Isn't Kira usually here by now?"

Zuko's response was terse, a slight edge of frustration in his voice. "She's not coming," he muttered, not meeting Iroh's eyes as he busied himself with arranging the cups a little too vigorously.

The pattern continued over the next few days-Zuko becoming more withdrawn with each passing lunch hour that Kira failed to appear. Iroh's worry deepened with each silent midday, until he finally decided to address it head-on.

One evening, after the last customer had left and they were alone, Iroh approached Zuko, his voice filled with concern. "Zuko, what's going on? Kira hasn't been here all week. Did something happen?"

Zuko paused, his shoulders slumping under the weight of the question. After a long moment, he sighed deeply and started to open up. "Uncle, I... I think I ruined everything," he confessed, the words heavy with regret. "We had our date-it was going really well. We laughed, talked... and I even kissed her."

Iroh listened intently, nodding for him to continue.

"But after the kiss, I panicked. I left her there, just walked away. I didn't even explain why," Zuko continued, the frustration and sadness clear in his tone. "Now she won't even come to the shop. I think she's avoiding me. I messed up, Uncle. I don't know how to fix this."

Iroh placed a comforting hand on Zuko's shoulder, his expression sympathetic yet thoughtful. "Zuko, it's clear you care for her deeply. And from what you've told me about Kira, she is understanding. Perhaps, she is just as confused and hurt as you are."

Zuko looked at his uncle, uncertainty flickering in his eyes.

"Talk to her, Zuko. That's the only way you'll resolve this. Whatever the outcome, you'll know you tried to make things right," Iroh advised, his voice gentle yet firm.

Zuko nodded slowly, a mix of nerves and resolve settling in. "You're right, Uncle. I'll talk to her. I have to try." He knew it wouldn't be easy, but the thought of not even attempting to mend things felt far worse.

Zuko wandered through the bustling flower market of Ba Sing Se, his gaze scanning the vibrant displays of blossoms until he found what he was looking for-a stall draped in the delicate beauty of orchids. The vendor, an elderly woman with a kindly smile, noticed his interest and approached.

"These are fine orchids, young man," she said, picking up a pot with a particularly striking purple orchid. "They symbolize love and beauty but also strength and resilience-perfect for a gift."

Zuko nodded, his fingers lightly touching the petals. "I'll take it," he said quietly, his mind already racing ahead to his planned apology to Kira. The vendor wrapped the orchid carefully, and Zuko handed over some coins, clutching the pot as if it held his last hope.

With the orchid secured, Zuko made his way through the city's winding streets to Kira's apartment. His heart pounded with a mix of nerves and determination. He rehearsed what he would say, each step bringing him closer to a moment of truth.

Standing at her door, Zuko took a deep breath before raising his hand to knock. The sound seemed to echo in the quiet hallway. A moment later, the door swung open, revealing Kira, her expression one of surprise.

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