Chapter 15 - The Jasmine Dragon

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As the day of the move drew nearer, Zuko decided to visit Kira at her apartment, sensing her uncertainty about the decision to join him and Iroh in the Upper Ring. He knocked softly on her door, a bundle of mixed emotions. He was excited at the prospect of living together, yet he understood the weight of her dilemma.

Kira opened the door, her face lighting up at the sight of him, but a shadow of concern lingered in her eyes. "Hey, Zuko," she greeted, stepping aside to let him in.

"Hey," Zuko replied, entering the small, familiar space. He looked around, sensing the tension. "How are you holding up with everything... the move, and all?"

Kira sighed, leading him to the small living area. "I'm... torn, Zuko. I really want to move in with you and Iroh. It sounds like such an adventure. But with everything that’s happened—losing Jet—I feel like I need to be here for Smellerbee and Longshot. They’re like family."

Zuko nodded, taking her hand gently. "I get that, Kira. They need you. But maybe this is also a chance for you to start something new, and you won't be far. We can still be there for them, together."

Kira looked into his eyes, finding the earnest concern and love that always seemed to anchor her. "It's just hard, you know? Feeling like I'm leaving them behind."

"Maybe think of it not as leaving them, but expanding our family," Zuko suggested, squeezing her hand. "You're not cutting ties. We’ll make sure they’re okay. And hey, they're always welcome at our place. It’ll be like one big, occasionally dysfunctional, family."

Kira couldn’t help but smile at Zuko’s description, her heart warming at the thought. "A big, dysfunctional family, huh? That sounds just about right."

Zuko grinned back, his affection for her evident. "So, will you move in? For real?"

Kira paused, taking a deep breath before nodding slowly. "Yes, I’ll move in. But we’re going to support Smellerbee and Longshot as much as we can, okay?"

"Absolutely," Zuko promised, relief and joy mingling in his expression. "They’re part of this family too, no matter where we all live."

Feeling a surge of excitement mixed with a bittersweet tinge of nostalgia for the life she was transitioning from, Kira leaned forward and kissed Zuko softly. "Thank you, Zuko. For understanding and for being you."

Zuko blushed slightly, his smile broad. "Anything for you, Kira. We’re going to make the Upper Ring our new adventure."

On the morning of the move, Kira felt a whirlwind of emotions as she prepared to say goodbye to Smellerbee and Longshot. She carefully packed her few belongings into a simple cloth sack, each item a reminder of the life she had shared with her friends.

Smellerbee, her youthful face trying hard to mask her sadness, bounced around Kira's room, touching various things that wouldn’t be moving with her. "Are you sure you have to go?" she asked, her voice betraying her attempt at bravery.

Kira knelt down, adjusting to Smellerbee’s height, and gave her a reassuring hug. "I’m not going far, Bee. And I’ll visit all the time. You won’t even notice I’m gone," she said with a gentle smile, trying to keep the mood light for the young girl's sake.

Longshot, true to his nature, stood by silently, his expression stoic but his eyes soft. He offered Kira a supportive nod, his way of saying goodbye without words.

Kira looked around the modest apartment that had been her home, her gaze lingering on the small corners she had shared with her friends. Turning back to Smellerbee, she added, "You’re going to be great, you know? You and Longshot look out for each other. And remember, I’m just a quick walk away. You can come over whenever you want."

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