Chapter 20 - Ember Island

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Kira paced back and forth in the small room at the back of Meilling's herbalist shop, the weight of Iroh's letter pressing heavily on her mind. Each step was a battle between fear and resolve. After several long moments of silence, she stopped pacing and turned to Meilling with a determined look in her eyes.

"Meilling," Kira began, her voice firm yet tinged with an undertone of nervous energy, "I've been thinking a lot since we read Iroh's letter. About what I can do, about where I stand in all of this." She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I want to join the Team Avatar. I think it's the right thing to do-to help in any way I can during the eclipse."

Meilling's eyes widened slightly at the declaration, her initial reaction one of concern. "Kira, that's a dangerous path," she said softly, her voice reflecting her worry. "The risks involved in aligning yourself against the Fire Nation, especially now, are immense."

Kira nodded, understanding Meilling's fears. "I know it's dangerous, but I feel like it's where I need to be. After everything that's happened, everything I've learned... I can't just stay here and wait. I need to do something that feels meaningful."

Meilling sighed, her expression softening as she regarded Kira with a mix of admiration and concern. "I've watched you grow so much," she said, reaching out to gently grasp Kira's hand. "You've become strong, resilient. And if this is what you feel you must do, then I won't stand in your way. But promise me, Kira, that you'll be careful."

Kira squeezed Meilling's hand in return, grateful for her understanding and support. "I promise," she replied earnestly. "And I'll keep learning, keep using everything you've taught me about herbs and healing. Maybe I can even help heal others along the way."

"Then let's make sure you're as prepared as possible," Meilling said, a resolute nod following her words. She released Kira's hand and started pulling various herbs from the shelves. "We'll need to put together a medical kit for you-salves, potions, and bandages. And you should know as many healing techniques as possible."

As they worked together to prepare her supplies, Kira felt a growing sense of purpose. The decision to join Team Avatar was not made lightly, but with Meilling's support, she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The bond between them was strengthened in those moments, a silent acknowledgment of the risks Kira was taking and the faith Meilling had in her choices.

As Kira prepared for her journey to join Team Avatar, she felt a mix of excitement and trepidation. Part of her preparations involved sorting through personal items, including the unsent letters to Zuko. Sitting down one last time, she decided to write another letter, capturing her current feelings and thoughts, though she knew this too would remain unsent.


**Dear Zuko,**

Guess who's about to do something incredibly reckless again? Yep, you got it. Your favorite troublemaker, Kira. I'm off to join the Avatar and his merry band of world-savers. Don't worry, I won't tell them you used to snore super loud when we camped out-oh wait, was I not supposed to mention that? Oops.

I'm packing up all these letters I wrote to you, the ones I never sent. I'm taking them with me, not sure why. Maybe I'll use them to start a campfire, or maybe I'll keep them just to remind myself how far I've come from the girl who cried over a Fire Nation prince. Yeah, that was me, believe it or not.

I've swapped my Earth Kingdom greens for some snazzy Fire Nation reds. Gotta blend in, right? It's weird, but wearing this makes me feel a bit like a spy. Who knew betrayal could be a fashion statement?

Oh, and I'm bringing the dagger you gave me. It's been useful, more than you were at times (sorry, not sorry). But seriously, Zuko, it's a nice dagger, and it reminds me of the good times-back before you decided to break my heart and all that. Don't worry, I'm mostly over it. Mostly.

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