Chapter 40 - Reunited

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the Fire Nation Capital, the family made their way back to the palace. The grandeur of the palace, with its towering walls and majestic architecture, was a stark contrast to the cozy, homey feel of Hira'a.

Inside, the grand dining hall was set for dinner, the table laden with an array of delicious dishes. As they took their seats, Zuko noticed the wide-eyed expressions on Noren and Kiyi's faces as they took in the splendor of the room and the impeccable service of the palace staff.

"Wow," Kiyi whispered, her eyes darting around the room. "This place is huge!"

Noren, looking slightly out of place in the opulent surroundings, tried to hide his discomfort. "It's... quite the dining hall," he remarked, his tone polite but clearly overwhelmed.

Iroh, already seated and sipping tea, smiled warmly at the newcomers. "Welcome, Noren, Kiyi. I hope you find the palace to your liking."

Kira, sitting beside Zuko, leaned in with a grin. "You know, I felt the same way when I first arrived here. The maids, the servants, the guards—it was all so overwhelming. I couldn't get used to having people do everything for me."

Kiyi giggled, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Did you have your own maids too, Kira?"

Kira nodded, her expression amused. "Oh yes, and let me tell you, it was a bit of a struggle at first. I kept trying to do things myself, and they would get so flustered. It took a while for me to find a balance."

Zuko chuckled, recalling those early days. "I remember walking in on you trying to do your own laundry. The maids were practically having a meltdown."

Kira laughed, nodding. "Yes, they thought it was scandalous that I was doing it myself. But eventually, I learned to let them help, and we all found a rhythm."

As the meal progressed, the family exchanged stories and laughter, the atmosphere light and joyful. Noren, despite his initial discomfort, began to relax, finding comfort in the warm company and the delicious food. Kiyi, still bursting with energy and curiosity, peppered everyone with questions about palace life and their adventures.

At one point, Kiyi leaned over to Ursa, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Mama, can I ask you something?"

Ursa smiled, her eyes softening. "Of course, Kiyi. What is it?"

Kiyi glanced around the table, her expression serious. "Can Zuko and Kira put me to bed tonight? Please?"

Ursa's smile faltered slightly, a pang of hurt flashing in her eyes. She masked it quickly, though, and nodded gently. "If that's what you want, Kiyi, of course."

Kiyi beamed and turned to Zuko and Kira. "Yay! You guys are the best!"

After dinner, Zuko and Kira guided Kiyi to her room, their footsteps echoing softly in the grand corridors. Kiyi chatted excitedly, her earlier shyness replaced by a sense of belonging and excitement.

As they reached Kiyi's room, Kira helped her into bed while Zuko sat beside her, smoothing her hair back. "Alright, Kiyi, it's time to get some rest," Zuko said softly.

As the evening descended, casting a soft glow over the royal palace, Zuko and Kira tucked Kiyi into bed. The young girl, her eyes wide with curiosity, looked up at them expectantly.

"Zuzu, Kira, can you tell me a bedtime story?" Kiyi asked, her voice filled with excitement.

Zuko and Kira exchanged amused glances, both knowing exactly what story they should share. "Alright, Kiyi," Zuko began, settling into the chair beside her bed. "How about we tell you the story of how we found Ember, Spark, and Flame?"

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