Chapter 49 - Fire Lady Kira

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The morning sun peeked through the intricately designed curtains of Azula and Ty Lee's shared chamber in the palace. The soft glow illuminated the room, bouncing off the lavish decorations and casting a warm light over the couple nestled in the luxurious bed.

Azula stretched lazily, her sharp eyes opening to take in the day. She had a mission today: ensure Zuko and Kira’s wedding went off without a hitch. Ty Lee, already awake and brimming with energy, leaned over to kiss Azula’s cheek.

“Morning, sleepyhead! Today’s the big day!” Ty Lee chirped, her voice bubbling with excitement.

Azula rolled her eyes playfully, a smirk tugging at her lips. “Yes, it is. And we have a lot to do. Let’s make sure Zuzu doesn’t mess anything up.”

Ty Lee giggled, bouncing out of bed. “You know he won’t. But it’s so cute how much you care.”

Azula scoffed, throwing off the covers and slipping out of bed with a graceful, fluid motion. “Someone has to keep everything in line. Besides, it’s not like Zuzu is capable of handling the finer details. And Kira deserves the best.”

They dressed quickly, Azula opting for a sleek, elegant robe that commanded authority, while Ty Lee chose something more vibrant and cheerful. As they prepared to leave their room, Azula’s gaze turned steely.

“We need to make sure everything is perfect. First, breakfast. We need to ensure the lovebirds are well-fed but don’t see each other,” Azula instructed, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Ty Lee nodded enthusiastically. “Got it! Breakfast without bumping into each other. Let’s go!”

They stepped into the bustling hallway, servants hurrying past to finalize the day’s arrangements. Azula’s sharp eyes scanned the crowd, spotting a pair of maids carrying trays laden with food.

“You there,” she called out imperiously, “make sure breakfast for the Fire Lord and Lady Kira is served in their respective chambers. They are not to see each other this morning. Do I make myself clear?”

The maids nodded hastily, scurrying away to follow her orders. Ty Lee watched them go with a smile. “You’re so good at this, Azula.”

Azula smirked. “Naturally. Someone has to maintain order.”

With the breakfast arrangements underway, they made their way to the dining hall, where Iroh, Ursa, Kiyi, and Noren were already seated. Iroh greeted them with a warm smile. “Good morning, you two. Ready for the big day?”

Azula nodded curtly, taking a seat. “Of course. We have everything under control. Here’s the plan: after breakfast, the women will go with Kira to get ready. That includes massages, makeup, and styling. The men will handle Zuko. Make sure he doesn’t get too nervous, Uncle.”

Iroh chuckled, his eyes twinkling. “I’ll do my best, Azula.”

Ursa smiled softly. “You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?”

Azula shrugged nonchalantly. “I have to. Zuzu isn’t exactly known for his attention to detail.”

Ty Lee grinned, leaning into Azula. “And that’s why you’re the best, Azula. Kira and Zuko are lucky to have you.”

Breakfast continued with light-hearted conversation and laughter. Kiyi, bouncing in her seat, asked, “Can I help with the flowers later?”

Azula nodded, a rare genuine smile gracing her features. “Yes, Kiyi. Your help will be invaluable.”

As they finished their meal, Azula’s gaze flickered with a hint of concern. “There’s just one thing… Sela, Kira’s maid of honor, hasn’t arrived yet. She should have been here by now.”

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