Chapter 33: Healing Ties

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As the days melded into a new rhythm, Zuko and Kira found a balance between duty and personal time that felt almost revolutionary in the confines of the royal lifestyle. The maids, once a hovering presence around Kira, had taken a step back, allowing her the space she craved. In return, Kira, ever the teacher at heart, had started imparting basic herbalist knowledge to them. It was not unusual now to find the maids and Kira in the gardens, discussing the properties of various plants with genuine interest—a sight that warmed Zuko’s heart each time he passed by.

One sunny morning, as Kira was explaining the uses of Fire Lily extract for burns—a lesson enthusiastically attended by the maids—Zuko approached with a wide, knowing smile. “Kira, I have a surprise for you. Well, actually, three surprises.”

Curious and a bit wary of Zuko’s mysterious tone, Kira followed him to the palace stables. As they walked, Zuko couldn't help but tease her. “You’re going to love this. Unless you’ve changed a lot more than I thought.”

Kira rolled her eyes playfully. “Unless you’re bringing me a dragon, I think I’ll manage.”

Zuko laughed. “Not a dragon, but definitely fiery.”

As they entered the stables, three familiar faces greeted them. Ember, Spark, and Flame—the cats they had raised during their time in Ba Sing Se—came bounding towards Kira, purring and weaving between her legs.

Kira gasped, joy overtaking her features. “Oh my spirits, Zuko! When? How?”

“I brought them over right after you mentioned how much you missed them,” Zuko explained, watching her reunite with the cats. “They’ve been getting acclimated to the palace life, just like us.”

Kira knelt down, letting the cats clamber over her in a furry frenzy of affection. “This is the best surprise ever, Zuko. Thank you.”

After a few minutes of joyful chaos with the cats, Zuko offered her his hand. “Come on, there’s more.”

“More?” Kira looked up, intrigued and still scratching Spark behind the ears.

Zuko led her outside the palace grounds to a large building that stood a short walk away. It was an impressive structure, recently renovated, but unused. As they approached, Kira’s curiosity bloomed like the flowers back in the garden.

Reaching the building, Zuko opened the door to reveal Suki, Sokka, Iroh, and Mei Ling waiting inside, all wearing big grins. Kira’s jaw dropped.

“What is this?” she asked, stepping inside, greeted by hugs and cheerful greetings.

“This,” Zuko gestured around, “is going to be your herbalist school. A place where you can teach, learn, and help heal. You talked about wanting to make a difference, well, here’s your chance.”

Kira was speechless, her eyes darting around the room, taking in the prepared herbal workstations, shelves stocked with books and plants, and the friendly faces of her loved ones. “Zuko, I... this is amazing. But why keep it a secret?”

Zuko shrugged, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards. “I wanted to make sure it was perfect. Plus, I figured a little surprise might make up for all the chaos when you first arrived.”

Laughing, Kira hugged him tightly. “You were right. This is perfect.”

Sokka, unable to resist a joke, piped up. “Plus, now we can come over and get free herbal remedies, right? I’m thinking of a potion that makes me an even better swordsman?”

“Only if you invent one that makes you less annoying first,” Suki quipped, earning laughs from everyone.

As they toured the new school, Kira felt a profound sense of purpose anchoring her to this new life. The palace might still be a labyrinth of rules and royal duties, but here, in this building, she could forge her path. And with Zuko by her side, she felt ready to tackle whatever came their way—with a little help from her friends, of course.

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