Chapter 58

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I don't remember when I fell asleep. I just know that Horus lay down beside me, and I felt his purring in the middle of the night. Now, I was awakened by several violent knocks on the door. With heaviness, I got up to check the time: 4:45 a.m. I sighed, if it weren't for the group of assassins loose in the city of Chicago, I wouldn't open the door.

I dragged my feet as I felt my swollen eyes. I had cried a lot, too much, I would say. It was the first time I had cried like that, and it was even more painful to have drunk part of the whiskey bottle that Eric had given me a few weeks ago.

I opened the door with an unfriendly expression, and my sleepiness dissipated into confusion as I saw Eric at the entrance, swaying with obvious signs of drunkenness.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He stood in front of me and closed the door, leaving the almost empty bottle of liquor on the floor, and took off his jacket in front of me.

"Take off your clothes." he ordered.

I frowned as I looked at him, completely drunk and reeking of alcohol. When I didn't comply, he grabbed me by the arms and forcefully removed my jacket.

"What's wrong with you?" he turned me around, pulling down my torso and positioning me on the couch to have me on all fours and attempt to pull down my pants. "Let go of me!"

I stood up, moving away from him, looking at him with confusion.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked again.

"I want sex, now." he replied matter-of-factly, as if his request were the most sensible thing in the world.

I scoffed. "Are you out of your mind? Do you think just because you come here in the middle of the night drunk, you can demand sex from me?" I was angry, outraged.

"Yeah." he shrugged. "You've done it before," he walked towards me. "You've always liked to please me, why not now?"

I gasped, surprised. "After you broke our exclusivity? You don't have any damn right to demand anything from me. Get out of here."

He rolled his eyes. "Don't you get it?" his words were slurred, struggling to complete a word. "The exclusivity was bullshit, it was never real; I only did it so you'd open your damn legs whenever I wanted. You were only at the top of the list because of the good sex you give me. You were the forbidden virgin girl that Dauntless no longer has and I needed to have. Grow the hell up."

It hurt. I was on the verge of crying again. "Did you use me?" I whispered.

"Now you're acting hurt?" he frowned. "You always knew who I was and how I did things, you're no exception, there's no fairy tale for you. You lasted longer than Genesis because you clung to pleasing me, and I accepted it."

I was left speechless and breathless, feeling blows to my chest that pulverized my soul and my heart.

His gaze, despite reflecting drunkenness, was serious, showing a confident character.

I walked towards him with slow steps. I had to hurt him, make him feel bad and cry, make him beg for forgiveness.

"I'm not hurt, Eric." I raised the corners of my lips with difficulty, trying to smile. "I just realize how little of a man you are, how damaged you are, the continuous patterns of behavior you have, and the lack of a mother figure." I nodded slowly.

"You don't know what you're talking about." he retorted.

"I know more than you, that's evident," I surveyed him with a furrowed brow. "You abandon before you can be abandoned, just like your mom did to you." I clenched my jaw to silence myself as I saw the impact of my words on him. "Now get out of here and don't speak to me for the rest of your disgusting life."

OVERTHROW - Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now