Chapter 3

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Amelia was excited. No, beyond excited. There isn't a word in existence that could describe how happy she is.

She is free. No longer is she confined to this room. The world is open for her to explore. Nothing would be standing in her way to feel the wind. The sun! Another human being. The world is her playground.

Amelia was still within her room, the same one she spent her entire life in. Well, it felt like it. Four years. It was dreadful in many ways. But when the second year came, she felt she was doomed to live out her days in this room. But now the doctors have performed a miracle.

She was healed.

They weren't entirely sure what exactly was malfunctioning within her code. Something wasn't read properly or something. Amelia didn't understand it yet all she cared about was that she is healthy.

"I see you're excited," said the nurse who took care of her the most. Sophia still wore a mouth mask but the rest of the clothing seemed to be normal, standard hospital clothing.

"Yes! I can finally go outside. I have missed that so much," Amelia said wistfully. The nurse smiled at her briefly before continuing to dismantle the very much sterility of the room. That means the various things that kept it sterile.

It only made Amelia love that woman more.

As the two went silent for a moment, Amelia's gaze went to the window. The world that became alien. She will enter it once again, rediscover so many things. It will be an adventure of a lifetime. Once again she will live with her family. Perhaps she may even begin discovering something about her own.

It always bugged her somewhat. It felt as if she was just dropped off without a care. They must be out there, somewhere within this world. But she won't let it change how she sees the Grangers. They are her family. No one else. It was them that helped her through this disease. They raised her.

And they made her the happiest person alive.

"Well, I am done," Sophia said. "I got a surprise for you, sweetheart. As a farewell gift from us."

"Oh? What's that?" asked Amelia, her attention firmly on the nurse. The blond nurse only smiled mysteriously. Amelia didn't like, well, actually, she loves it. Things felt like they were getting better and better.

"Patience, Amelia, I will get it now, you just settle yourself in for the night."

Amelia held an elated expression. She can't wait to see it. It is as if these day were filled with nothing but positivity. This last night in this room feels better than she thought it would be. She was convinced she wasn't able to sleep. Her mind racing at the thought of wanting to start the new day as fast as possible.

But she was still here, the last day of observation and acclimating to the new reality. It didn't matter, she would be leaving soon enough. She wonders what her room looks like now. Would she go to school? Questions to which she wished she had answer for. It makes her chuckle.

These questions are much nicer than her previous ones. Still, she wished to know more about who she is, but it felt less important now. She has her life back. The rest can wait while she steps back into the world of men and women.

The nurse came back again, holding a tray, a fancy one at that. Amelia curiously watched as Sophia placed it in front of her. There is something in the air. Something spectacular... She sniffed and in response her mouth began to water. This smells like the best food she had in years. After all that processed and sterile food, this smells like a meal fit for the gods.

"Well, Amelia, as a farewell gift from us, we managed to get a very nice meal, prepared by a three star chef, no less."

"No way! Really!?"

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