Chapter 20

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Hermione and Amelia left the Great Hall behind them, their fingers intertwined as they walked toward the courtyard. It was a special day, with a clear blue sky overhead. Despite the lingering cold, the two didn't seem to mind.

"You're done already?" Daphne asked curiously as she approached them.

"Yup. It was hardly a challenge," Amelia said with a smirk dancing on her lips. "And Hermione implored me to be quick, so I couldn't do anything else than destroy my opponent."

Daphne laughed, patting Hermione on the shoulder. "You're brilliant, Hermione. I wish we had been friends earlier! Could have put some confidence into Henry."

"Er, yeah, sure," Hermione muttered, smiling faintly. "Say, where is Henry? Haven't seen him in a while."

"Yeah, I spoke with him when I left the Common Room," Daphne said. "Not sure what's happening. Something about his mother."

"Oh? Nothing bad, I hope?"

"Nah, he didn't say anything about death or anything like that," Daphne waved her hand dismissively. "It's not unusual. His mother is a seer from what I understand. A real one, not like Trelawney, though. His mother actually knows what she's talking about."

"No surprise there," Hermione said, not surprised at the fact one of their teachers is a fraud. "Claims death is lurking in every shadow. Downright ridiculous if you ask me. Seeing the future, yeah, right. It's as if I suddenly proclaim Amelia will kiss me at-"

Amelia captured Hermione's lips, smirking as Hermione's eyes widened in surprise before she melted into the kiss. Her hand touched Amelia's cheek, and they stared at each other for a moment as they parted.

"Seems like you've got that Inner Eye, Hermione," Daphne laughed, seeing the blush spread over Hermione's face.

"Yes, well, I am the brightest witch of our age," Hermione chuckled, trying to recover from her embarrassment. Daphne couldn't help but laugh louder as Amelia took pride in her action, their hands still linked together.

"Pardon my intrusion," a gentle man's voice came from behind. The three turned around, surprised to see Dumbledore standing there. The Headmaster peered over his spectacles, his blue eyes seemingly amused by the three.

"Professor Dumbledore," Amelia greeted, feeling a sense of curiosity about why he had approached them.

"Miss Black, I was hoping to see you for a moment, if you would," he said. "Oh, and congratulations on moving to the next round. I heard it went well for you."

"Thank you, professor," Amelia said, standing a little straighter. "Uhm, why do you wish to see me?"

"Ah, nothing worrisome. Your time at Hogwarts has been splendid according to the professors, which makes me quite happy to hear," Dumbledore assured her. "It is only a personal matter that happened to fall into my lap, so to speak. If you have the time, we can discuss this matter in my office."

"Very well," Amelia said. "I'll see you later then, Hermione."

"I'll be in the library," she said, a smile on her face, though it was clear she wasn't quite sure whether this was good or bad. Neither did Amelia. It's not like you get to speak with Dumbledore every day. She had only seen him during official ceremonies.

Amelia followed Dumbledore, walking next to him as they made their way to his office. "I must say, it's been a while since I have seen such a bright witch enter Hogwarts," Dumbledore commented. "Much like Miss Granger, in fact. I see a bright future for both of you."

"Thank you, Professor. That means a lot coming from you," Amelia said, feeling quite proud to receive praise from someone she admired. Truly, she had read about Dumbledore's accomplishments, and if he said she had a bright future, she was quite certain she was on the right path.

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