Chapter 27

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Daphne looked at the picture many times during their preparation. It mainly included changing their clothing into each other's respective gowns. Amelia wore the black gown with small silver threads woven through it. When she twirled, she noticed it gave off a light silver glow. Magic gowns truly are in a league of their own.

Daphne took to her silver gown she wore during their practice as well. Similarly, it sparkled slightly whenever light hit the fabric. She also applied a little makeup, not much yet more than Amelia was doing. For her, it was rather simple. She "applied" makeup by thinking and changing her appearance.

"That's unfair..." muttered Daphne. "You make being a girl easier."


"Ugh... Where are you going to meet up with Hermione? Since you clearly want to leave early."

Amelia wanted to leave early indeed. Mainly because they forgot to pick a time and place. So, Amelia took it into her own hands and will wait for her at the Gryffindor Tower. To show the entire school body that she will not live up to whatever family reputation clung to her.

Besides, she wanted to surprise her girlfriend.

"Well, I wanted to surprise her really. To pick her up at the Tower," answered Amelia, picking up the brooch made by Daisy and putting it on. She sent one thumbs up at Daisy who buzzed happily.

"Daring, Black. Got guts, eh? Well, turns out we're going to the same place."

Amelia nodded, then turned swiftly to Daphne, who was smiling innocently. A Gryffindor? Who in the hell asked her out? Daphne looked into the mirror, ignoring the deep questioning stares from Amelia.

"Well," Daphne put her makeup back into their respective places. "Shall we?"

"Who asked you? I can't think of who it may be," Amelia said as she was swooped away, walking out of the common room by linking arms. She saw they were the first to leave. The girly voices were still talking about perfume and makeup as they passed the dormitories.

"Patience, my dear friend," Daphne giggled at hearing the impatient noise from Amelia. "What are you complaining about? Aren't you supposed to think only about a certain person?"

"Half my brain functions solely for her, the other half I can use for other tasks like asking who's your partner?"

Daphne laughed, squeezing Amelia's arm teasingly. "Well, you'll find out soon enough, darling," Daphne teased, making Amelia groan from annoyance.

The entrance with the Fat Lady came soon inside, her eyes narrowed at the two Slytherins as they approached. Before the Fat Lady could say a word, both Daphne and Amelia shushed her.

"Keep it to yourself, lady," Amelia said flatly.

"We're here to get our dates. No foul words from you, please," Daphne added.

The Fat Lady huffed in annoyance yet held her tongue. In the hallway, the two Slytherins waited patiently for their dates to come down. The first ones to leave were a few Gryffindors that neither of them knew the names of. But they hurried away quite quickly, seemingly not willing to be close to Amelia.

"Well, at least we won't have to have talks with unknowns," Daphne joked. "Uncomfortable silences dominate those talks."

"Whatever, I want to- oh my..."

Amelia was taken by a beauty that stepped slowly out of the portrait, her eyes carefully placing her heel down to keep steady. Hermione smiled brightly as Amelia shot over to her, arm held out for her to take.

"You're... beautiful, Hermione!" Amelia said in a breathless voice.

And Hermione truly was. Her hair was curly and bouncy, framing her face perfectly. The eyes shone with sparkles as makeup was put on just right to make them stand out. Yet for Amelia, the red lipstick made her lips more kissable than any moment before. It was hard to not swoop down and capture them.

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