Chapter 17

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Amelia didn't think much of it. Well, that's not true actually. There was some concern in her about Harry's entry. This is actually what they meant by something that could interfere with was a good year so far. At least for the last two months.

Her fingers tapped over her desk, thinking about it. There is something about it that felt off. Well several things, obviously. But mainly because it couldn't have been a random person. Someone that is at least seventeen. Not many would enter someone else's name.

Aside from that little fact, it couldn't have been anyone. Who is powerful enough to bewitch the Goblet. A very powerful artefact, or so Hermione once told her. She never read about, after all, why waste time on such an item which only serves to pick a champion. All in all, it's a perplexing matter.

What else will be happening? She can't be the only one smelling a scheme of sort? It's just that she can't figure out what use it is to have Harry participate? As dangerous as it is, Harry said how watchful Dumbledore is. It's not like anyone could just get past him.

Her pondering was disturbed as someone entered her room. She expected Daphne, as it usually would be the case none of the other girls ever entered their room. But to her surprise, it was someone she never expected.


"Black," she greeted in return. The girl seemed different for some reason. Let alone that her greeting was far from was she was used to. It actually sounded rather normal. "Can I ask you something?"

"Uh, sure...?"

"What you said to Draco the other day, did you mean it?"

Amelia wasn't sure what Pansy was getting at. It's not like anyone ever really listened to her before aside from Henry and Daphne. Well, she could tell they were overhearing her when instructing Daphne. But that's different. That's trying to get a leg up by observing someone who is literally the best at Potions. Well, according to Snape but Amelia took that title happily.

"Well, of course, meant every word. I love Hermione. I would never lie about her without very good reasons. And even then, I would still tell her why in the end."

Pansy looked her over, gauging something. It's now Amelia looked at her more carefully. Her dark brown hair was just past her shoulder. The eyes were equally as dark as they watched her. Pansy wasn't the prettiest girl, Amelia will admit that, but she wasn't ugly by any means. You could say ordinary yet with a certain fierce beauty? Amelia wasn't sure how to describe it.

"I see," said Pansy eventually, her voice kept neutral. "You may want to warn Granger to avoid any mail in the coming days. They won't contain anything worth reading."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Amelia asked yet Pansy left without saying anything else. It left Amelia feeling perplexed at the suddenness of Pansy. The only thing she ever saw her do was bully students in her free time.

Before she could think further on it, Daphne walked in, her face still content as if she had her fill of watching her and Hermione. Of course, she would. Anyway, she should see and watch first to see what happened. Well, she'll give the warning. Just in case.

"Well, ready for the match later today?"

She completely forgot about the tournament for a moment. The events with Harry and Pansy had her for a moment. "Of course," Amelia said, smiling confidently at Daphne. "Won't lose despite facing a friend."

"Ah, yeah, Ron. Talked to him a bit. Seemed pretty into Wizarding Chess," Daphne replied, plopping down on her bed. "But I have played against you... Never seen a better player, but I also never heard Dumbledore praise someone about a game of Chess."

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