Chapter 22

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The day went by at which they had worked for the better part of a day on the cure for Astoria. It was hit or miss and a lot of question marks. There were just a lot of unknowns and it would be nice to have a reference with another deadly curse.

Amelia was currently flipping through the pages of the student records. There must be some note, report, or name that must give her something to work on. Perhaps even her mother's name.

Her finger flipped another page containing another list of accomplishments of different students, their deeds within the school, and notes by teachers. There was a lack of detail and generally only covered the very basics of each student. There is likely a more detailed list somewhere else.

It's then she saw her mother's name.

Noctua Sallow
Prefect in her fifth to seventh year

Accomplished in Potions and Transfiguration. Her O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts were commendable as she achieved high marks. Teachers stated she was a hardworking witch yet easily influenced by others. She was remembered fondly by most of the faculty.

Amelia wondered why there was no mention of her parents. She sees the parents of every other student yet none with her name. Her fingers massaged her eyes, frustrated at the lack of details. She put the book away, leaving the rest of the records for another time.

She put out her light yet the dollhouse held a glow. The fairy looked to be making the rounds in her own little abode. Amelia fell asleep listening to the soft buzzing that came from it. Her mind replayed the memory of Noctua as she dreamed.

It should have made her sad. To see her mother while never able to speak with her like a normal person. Yet seeing her made her happy, she felt comforted in ways she didn't understand. Perhaps the knowledge that she wasn't discarded and actually loved made her feel content.

The memory ebbed away like a drowsy mist, feeling something prodding her face. An annoyed groan left her, trying to turn to continue sleeping. But the prodding now came with a high-pitched buzzing noise. There was no way she could sleep through the Fairy's buzzing sound.

"Daisy..." Amelia muttered irritably. "No..."

Buzzz! Buzzzzz!

"Ugh..." Amelia sat upright, looking at the flying fairy who held her hands on her hips. The look she got was of annoyance. "What?"

The fairy pointed to the clock that showed it was close to striking midday. What's the fuss about? Amelia's muddled mind from sleep couldn't phantom what the problem is. But than her chest began to feel tight and the sleepy feeling was burned from her mind.

"Fuck! The match!"

The fairy rolled her eyes, tapping her wrist as if to say to hurry up. Amelia didn't have to be told twice. She whipped out her wand and summoned her clothes to get quickly dressed. In mere minutes she will need to be there. Her eyes glanced at Daphne and noticed the reason why she didn't wake her up. The redhead was snoring loudly, her mouth hanging open as she drooled.

"Some use you are..." muttered Amelia at Daphne. Daphne only snored in response, turning comfortably in her bed to continue her sleep.

Daisy buzzed around the room, fingers snapped together as her items were being neatly aligned for her. The box with her chess pieces and her Slytherin pin and necklace. With a slight jump in her step, due to putting on her shoes, she went to her desk, picked up her box and left the room. Daisy buzzed after her, seemingly in the mood to follow her.

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