Chapter 37

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Life was pretty okay in Grimmauld place. Their efforts, with Daisy in charge, made it more liveable. While there is still plenty to do and to repair, one could say it's not a torture to life there.

Amelia was only doubting the choice of Dumbledore to keep Harry in the dark. She could tell from his letters, he was dying to know more. But Hermione was sure to keep an eye on her letters. The girlfriend certainly succeeded yet could not avoid a secret message here and there. As long as Harry is smart enough to figure it out that is.

It was now that Amelia was resting in her father's room. Her arms and body were slightly aching after another intense training session with Sirius. She would say she's getting somewhere, truly, but Sirius has a knack for always getting through her offensive strikes or defensive spells.

Her alder wood wand twirled in her fingers as she stared at the ceiling. She wondered whether- no, that's a given. Hermione would do something grand for her. After all, it's her birthday today. And as they are dating, well, she can imagine Hermione would want to show it too.

It's why she found herself in her room. Waiting for permission to go downstairs. She wondered whether the Grangers would come here. It would be nice. The first birthday outside of the hospital in years. They should be here and if not, she'll visit for sure.

"Amelia!" An excited Hermione said as she entered the room. "Ready?"

"Well, after seeing you with such a bright smile? How could I not?"

"You are too sweet and cheesy..." Hermione softly said with reddening cheeks. "Come, I'm sure you'll love the- reception."

"Sounds almost like we're about to be wedded," laughed Amelia. Yet Hermione stared deeply at her, almost glaring in a playful way. If it weren't for the fact she didn't like the jest.

"Don't joke about it," Hermione muttered. "Don't joke about everything that is important, okay? I don't like it when you do."

"Right, sorry," Amelia apologised, her hand holding Hermione's. Despite Hermione being a little upset, she can't help but hold the hand and give it a squeeze. "I'll keep it mind, love. Just smile, okay?"

"Urgh, I can't even be upset with you," Hermione sighed. "Fine. Since it's your birthday! But I find marriage not something to joke about. Well, not when it concerns us."

"There is that smile I love. And I will remember, okay? I won't forget it," hummed Amelia pleasantly, seeing a smile creep up Hermione. "By the way, did mum and dad...?"

Hermione smiled yet gave no answer as they went quickly down the stares. Their feet touching the wood quietly on instinct. But it was enough of an answer. They were here. It was now Amelia that led the way as they entered the kitchens.

The moment she stepped inside, she was met by a storm of 'happy birthdays!' Amelia smiled brightly as she was patted on the shoulder and hugged from all sides. Only when a moment of calm did she feel familiar arms around her neck, followed by two lips.

Hermione was tomato red yet smiled through the kiss. Amelia could feel the embarrassment, especially as some whistles sounds were made. Yet she only parted when she wanted to, smiling and leaning against her. "Happy birthday," she said softly.

"Thanks, Hermione. That was really, really nice."

Hermione chuckled nervously, stepping aside as they see Miss and Mister Granger coming to them. Amelia wasn't even slightly embarrassed as she hugged the two parents. Considering they saw them kissing. The Weasleys were already moving on to preparing the table, food floating around, and even presents from what Amelia noticed.

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