Chapter 14

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Amelia had no problem showing off.

Without shame, she held hands and kept Hermione close. There were many curious glances directed at them; some were dumbly staring while others were whispering with one another. As the newly made couple walked to the Tower, Fleur also noticed them.

Hermione was pleased, making certain to snuggle into Amelia right in front of her. It made the blonde woman's face sour as she sharply turned away, not necessarily stomping, but close to it.

Amelia didn't see it, her attention solely on the warmth pressed against her. But she guessed it was to show they were together in her own way. And Amelia was all for it, grinning a little as she took pride in it.

"Hermione..." Amelia chuckled. "I'm not going anywhere."

"It's a precaution," Hermione said. "They can be nasty and stubborn. Besides, I like to hold you..."

Amelia's chuckle turned into a soft giggle, letting Hermione do as she wished and hold her as she wished. There's nothing that made her happier. And in all honesty, Amelia was certain they were unstoppable together.

It's when they nearly arrived at the Tower that Amelia swiftly became a cat again, jumping into the open arms of Hermione. Unlike last time, she was held with more affection, the fingers gently going through the ginger hair. Amelia couldn't help but purr contentedly.

"More scratches?" Hermione chuckled, her eyes twinkling as Amelia nodded with her cat head. Each scratch and stroke through the hair made her deflate into the arms.

Amelia wonders who knows of her abilities. Sure, she has kept her hair changing to a minimum. And changing form happens only in dark corners and empty classrooms. But surely, aside from her friends, and perfect girlfriend, someone must have noticed?

But the thought went away as the Fat Lady opened up and Hermione entered. She didn't stop until she had reached her room and went toward Harry and Ron. The two sat in a quiet study room of the Tower. Most others either were in the main part of the Common Room, mostly partying in the jokes of George and Fred. While some tried yet failed to study.

"I'll let you and Harry speak alone, alright? Ron and I will keep watch to make sure no one disturbs you," Hermione explained as they walked.

Amelia relaxed in one arm while the other held the suitcase. Say what you will, but Hermione is gaining muscle from carrying all those heavy books. Makes her wonder whether she can get stronger by just transforming her muscles a bit. Hmm, worth checking when she studies in the library again.

"Harry, got the letter?"

Harry perked up from one of the larger cozy seats. One hand lifted a parchment up, giving a nod. It wasn't long before Ron gazed their way too, his eyes seemingly on the cat.

"You know, it's not fair. We're forced to make a Polyjuice Potion that takes a month, and she can just change whenever she wants? That's just not fair."

"Ron, life ain't fair," Harry said as he walked to Hermione that opened the suitcase for them. "Besides, you've a great family. We both have no clue as to who ours were, aside from vague ideas and wishes."

"Yeah, right, I guess so," Ron muttered as he jealousy looked at Amelia who reformed into her human form.

"Well, at least I have," Amelia placed one arm around Hermione's waist, "my girlfriend."

The boys' gazes went immediately to them, eyes wide as their faces were filled with surprise. Amelia smirked, tugging Hermione closer to her as a 'yelp' came from her. Amelia could feel the warmth radiating off her.

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