Chapter 21

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Amelia gazed at the picture the entire way.

Her fingers traced over her mother and father. The faces she tried to imagine were there. And she herself was in the picture. The little girl, fast asleep in her mother's arms. They looked different than she imagined. She took mostly after her father from the looks of it.

She has her mother's eyes though. A deep brown color like the earth. The longer Amelia looked, the more questions came. What were they doing? And the Dark Lord? Did he kill them? But most of all, what were they atoning for?

Her mind was swimming with questions as she stepped into the library. There were few students around due to the lack of classes. Here and there a Ravenclaw or a studious Gryffindor and Slytherin. She passed them all, searching for Hermione.

It wasn't hard to spot her. The girl had made a wall of books, scribbling on a parchment as she was studying something. Daphne was nowhere near, probably returned to their little kingdom. Her pursuit of a cure covered the entirety of her desk.

"Hermione," Amelia greeted, her voice soft as to keep the peace. Two brown eyes peeked over her wall of books before disappearing again. Swiftly she was coming toward her, a welcoming smile dancing on her face.

"Been some time," Hermione said. "Everything alright?"

"Yes, I believe so," Amelia looked down at the picture again. A small breath left her, handing it to puzzled Hermione.

"Are these your parents...?" Hermione asked softly, seeing the three moving persons in the photo.

"Yeah, my father and mother. I only know my mother's name: Noctua Sallow. It's... likely they died at the hands of You-Know-Who. Brought me to your parents to keep me safe."

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that," Hermione let her arms snake around Amelia, her head resting on Amelia's chest. "Is there anything I can do?"

Amelia's arms wound around Hermione, pressing her closer as she rested her head on hers. She smelled like ink and paper. It comforted her more than she realized, her nose snuggled into the crook of her neck.

"This is enough."

"Take your time," said Hermione softly, her hands stroking the back gently. "I'm not going anywhere."

The two stood there for minutes long. Silently they held one another. Amelia felt at home, or as close as she has ever felt. It made her calmer, letting the questions settle down. She let herself squeeze Hermione one more time before she detached herself.

"Thanks. I needed that."

"Anytime, Amelia," Hermione said with a soft smile. Her hand reached out and guided her to chairs. "Care to tell me what's on your mind?"

"Too much, I am afraid."

"I see. Perhaps you should look at it like this," Hermione said, taking Amelia's hands onto her lap, holding them in her own. "You know who they are now. At the very least a bit more than before. It's likely they've done something heroic. You-Know-Who doesn't waste his time on those he didn't find worthy. Records say that. They're good people."

"I hope so," Amelia whispered. "Yet now I can find out more. Will you help me?"

"Do you even need to ask? Of course, I will."

"Okay, I need books about the Sallows. And the Guants..." Amelia said, her gaze going up. Hermione smiled, letting one hand touch her cheek. "You know, Hermione. I don't know what we'll find.... thank you. For being with me and helping me. I don't think I could do it alone."

"Of course, we're together. I don't plan on leaving because things get tough or awkward. You're stuck with me, Amelia."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

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