Chapter 5

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Amelia was running on cloud nine. The world finally feels to be favouring her for some reason. First she was miraculously healed and then she found out she is a witch. She feels as if she is living in a dream.

What she finds most valuable is that Hermione is trying to be close as they used to be. It makes her happy beyond... happiness! It worried her that their relationship would start anew. To figure things out again, but Hermione was just as sweet as before.

It is today. The big day. The biggest day in her life. Well, technically the biggest moment would start in a few hours. Then they would board some train and get to Hogwarts. But she would be getting her supplies and her wand. She has seen Hermione's wand before, never held in her hand, but it was quite cool to see.

As cool as Hermione's wand is, she will probably find her own the coolest. Nothing against any other wand, of course.

"You've quite the spring in your step, Amelia," Hermione laughed.

The raven-haired girl look around with a beaming smile and wide eyes. Each shop they passed caught her attention, staring inside with wonder. They had already bought most of their supplies by now, only needing to buy the wand.

"Of course! I mean, look at everything! It's amazing!" Amelia told her. "You've been seeing this for years?! I am so jealous!"

Amelia watched as a doll was magically dancing through the air, a man who was trying out a new broomstick, carefully flying up and down. There is magic everywhere, seeing the shop keepers use it to summon their stock. Others to swirl and create potions. Amelia felt like she stepped into an immense and beautiful dream.

Yet it was all here. She could touch the wooden houses. The odd items that apparently weren't very interesting to the common witch and wizard. But for Amelia, they were the most interesting. A quill that could easily change ink color, or a self-writing notebook. It was all so weird and wondrous to Amelia.

"Well, I suppose," Hermione chuckled, putting a hand on her shoulder to stop her from sprinting away again. "But the most important part of this little shopping trip..." Hermione gestured to one shop, causing Amelia to become even more excited. "... is getting your wand."

"Yes! Let's go!"

Amelia dragged Hermione with her as the parents tried to keep up, the energetic girl making it very hard for them to do so. Yet even they were infected by the girl, not at all surprised at her enthusiasm.

The two girls entered the store of Ollivander, the best Wandmaker this part of the world. Amelia looked around, seeing the dusty shelves while the back was completely filled to the brim with long rectangular boxes. Each held a wand, Amelia thought, and one of those would become hers.

Her eyes drift around the rest of the store and was rather surprised by how ordinary it looks. A few strays chairs, pushed to the side close to some cupboards. A creaky wooden staircase going up. There were no twirling mechanical things, or bubbling concoctions, let alone a crazy creature with more colours than she could count. It felt like an old looking house, refitted to be a store.

As Hermione and Amelia approached the counter, Hermione's parents walked in just as a head peaked around the corner. It was a man of white-grey hair, thick whiskers and a well-made robe. Even if it looked to be very dusty.

"Ah, well, who do we have here?" Ollivander pondered, his eyes first looked at Hermione, recognition sparkling in his eyes. "Hermione Granger, 10 3/4", Vine, dragon heartstring. It's been performing well, I hope?"

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