Chapter 35

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Amelia scratched her head, pondering deeply.

What to write and what not to write. It's difficult to withhold things just because Dumbledore said to do so. Part of her thinks it is unfair. Amelia understood that it could be intercepted. She wasn't naive to think the Ministry wouldn't do so.

It was something that became more obvious if one reads the Daily Prophet. She didn't know what happened exactly. But it was clear Dumbledore and Harry were being targeted. Being described as lunatics and demented people. It would probably only be time before she got sucked in one of those stories. Fairly strange that it hadn't happened yet if you asked her.

She never thought she'd distrust a paper. But this Daily Prophet... Well, she couldn't trust a word of it. Even more so considering what they wrote about her. She wanted to pin it on Rita Skeeter, but now she sees it was the entire newspaper.

But that makes something else clear. The Minister of Magic was clearly gunning for them, or the organisation, the Order of the Phoenix, at the very least. Which brings Amelia to the letter she is writing for Harry. She wanted to tell him. But she couldn't as to not risk the Ministry to discover them.

"Did I say how much I hate this?"

"Yes, three times in fifteen minutes," Hermione answered, writing her own letter. "Just keep it simple, Amelia. You don't have to go into detail."

"I guess, but it's not fair," Ron muttered as he folded his own. "I get what Amelia is saying. It doesn't feel good, y'know? Didn't he fight You-Know-Who? And now we're keeping things from him? Doesn't sit right with me."

"Mhm," Amelia hummed as a thought swam through her mind as she finished her own letter. "It's definitely not fair..."

Hermione put down her quill, a sigh leaving her as she looked up. "You got something cooking in your head..." she said, "Don't tell me-"

"Stupid? Maybe, but it's fun," Amelia said with a sly grin. "Where does Harry live?"

"With Muggles, just outside of London in a place called Little Whinging," Ron said as an answer. Yet when he looked up, he saw a glaring Hermione. "W-what?"

"Idiot," she said irritably. "You're not flying there, Amelia!"

"Why not? It's not like they'll know it's me. Aside from a select few, no one knows I can transform at will," Amelia excitedly stated. "I'll deliver them!"

"No, you won't," Hermione firmly said, taking the letters as if to guard them. "I won't kiss you anymore if you do it! You are not risking yourself."

"Empty threat, love," Amelia giggled, kissing her on the cheek. Both knew she couldn't keep that threat alive for long. "But fine... If you're that adamant..."

"I am!" Hermione said while blushing a little. She pushed the three letters in Ron's hands. "Get them to an owl, Ron. You, Idiot Girlfriend, sit down and cuddle with me."

"Why do I have to do it while you two relax?" Ron grumbled, watching as Amelia happily held Hermione, smiling and beaming. She even forgot about the whole 'being denied to visit a friend' situation. "I'm not some mule or servant."

"Don't look at me, Ron. I don't wear the pants in this relationship," Amelia laughed, snuggling into Hermione. "She's the one that 'threatened' me into submission."

"Please, just do it, Ron. I'll promise to help you in the next essay," Hermione said, melting a little into Amelia's arms. The promise did help. Ron's face was becoming clear of any irritation. He went out with an elated expression in fact.

"So kind, Hermione," Amelia chuckled. "Now that you have me, what's the matter? I can guess there's something going on."

"No, not really. I have just been thinking about you and, well, this place. About you living here and me... with my parents," Hermione said, her eyes drifting toward their intertwined fingers. "I think it may be good, in a way. We shouldn't have to be glued to each other all the time. Don't get me wrong, I love nothing more than being with you! But we should also, you know, have space to ourselves."

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