Chapter 16

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Amelia lay in the grass with Hermione after their talk. Daphne was walking with Harry and Ron, probably hoping to become as close as the others in this tight-knit group. She should have no problem, Amelia thought; she's very likable.

"Amelia, hello?"


"You seem quite far away," Hermione noted, turning around so that one arm draped over her. "What's wrong?"

"Not much, just thinking," Amelia said, letting her arm hold Hermione, keeping her close. "Salazar being my ancestor, in some way, is pretty wild. And, well, I don't know. Slytherin is not a bad House. I mean, Daphne is in it. Henry too. It's like the role models that are there are just garbage. But if I can show them something else, maybe I can turn things around?"

"I don't know, Amelia," Hermione sighed, her finger tracing over Amelia's stomach as she thought. "Things have been the same for a very long time. I'm not saying it can't be done, but it will take more than just being his descendant. It can scare people away just as it can rally people, you know? Just look at Harry when the Chamber of Secrets was opened."

"But I feel like I can do it, you know? I'm trying to be friends with Gryffindors. Be kind to those all around me. And, well, be good in my studies. Yet it doesn't seem to work."

"So... all you did was an act?" Hermione asked with a teasing eyebrow.

"What's this?" Amelia asked amusedly. "Not thinking I acted out all those kisses without meaning them, are you? Oh, Hermione, I kiss you because I love you. It's as simple as that."

Hermione let her head rest on Amelia's chest, sighing contently. Her lips were spread into a smile, which Amelia could feel. "I love you too, Amelia."

"I know, I love myself too," Amelia shrugged as she 'thought'. It made Hermione laugh. "Seriously, we've known each other for years now. You know me better than myself, I think. And we are...

"... similar in many ways," they both finished the sentence.

"I know," Hermione said, looking up from her comfy place. It's not that she disliked it, but Hermione certainly liked to use her breasts for comfort and as a headrest. "And that makes me like you that much more. We're both hard workers and try to be the best in classes. You know, just be yourself, Amelia. Your personality will change them eventually. I can see that happening. Not all, of course. That would be impossible."

"Maybe you're right. Anyway, let's circle back to the part you could not live without me..."

"I never said that!"

"No?" Amelia questioned, tapping her chin as if trying to remember. "Hmm, I could have sworn..."

"Oh, shove off!" Hermione giggled. "I can handle myself, you know!"

"Of course, and I'll be there to pick you up when you need me," Amelia said, placing a kiss on top of her head. Hermione smiled with red cheeks. "You've helped me when I was alone in that hospital room. Giving me lessons in things I thought I never would need to know. Or a story just to entertain me. You don't know how much that helped me through those years, Hermione."

"I should have visited more often."

"Maybe, but you came every year, every vacation," continued Amelia as she explained further. "That was enough for me to not go mad, but I think I fell for you at some point. I mean, a partner should stand by you 'in sickness and in health'."

"Geez, we're not getting married..."

"It helped me fall for you nonetheless. And I'll repay it for as long as I can. Even if we part ways and just remain friends," Amelia said with a genuine voice to convey her promise. "Trust me, I would have gone mad otherwise. You don't understand how lonely I was."

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