Chapter 28

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The Yule Ball was an amazing time that Amelia will remember for a long time. She dreamed about it the night after, her dance continuing until the moment the morning rays hit her face. Well, morning rays in terms of Fairy light being blasted right in her face. There is no sun that can shine within their room, let alone the common room.



"Right, right, breakfast... Please lower your shine..." Amelia mumbled, shielding her eyes as she groaned in bed. The buzzing continued, yet Amelia could finally wake up without being blinded. With one big stretch that made a popping sound, she went to the dollhouse, summoning breakfast to her.

"Alright, Daisy. Got blueberries along with your favorite: peanuts."


Amelia chuckled as Daisy swooped it up and went inside her house, closing the door behind her. Her gaze went to Daphne, yet she was still knocked out from yesterday. It doesn't surprise her at all. Going out with either of the twins would result in a very active day.

She took a breath and got ready for her early day. No classes since it's Christmas holiday, so she could fill it with whatever she liked. There are a few things worth investigating. Not solely for herself, as it may lead to an answer for Daphne. But she was more going for herself if she was honest.

Amelia wanted to look deeper into her family. Specifically her mother's side. Her grandmother suffered from a curse, apparently one so great, it drove Sebastian to great lengths to find a cure.

What she couldn't figure out yet is what actually happened to her. She knew her grandfather was a Gaunt and died quite early. But what of Anne? Amelia wanted to figure it out. A good place to begin would be to visit Feldcroft. The place of where the Sallow family broke apart.

"Daisy, want to come along for a trip?" Amelia asked, knocking on the door. "To see where my mother came from, supposedly, at least I think."

Daisy looked out the window, questioningly looking at Amelia. Buzz?

"Ah, yeah, Sallow. Apparently, they came from a hamlet not far from Hogwarts. The article and records said as much," Amelia explained to Daisy. "Perhaps someone there may be able to tell me something."

It's unlike many Fairies, Amelia suddenly thought as she conversed with Daisy. Daisy is remarkably intelligent for a fairy. Knew what she meant with her words, held strong opinions on matters reserved mainly for wizardkind. Perhaps that's why her pride is so much bigger than her brethren.

It may be good to see whether she can learn English. Certainly will help in the good old communication department. But she gave a final long stretch to make the limbs nimble and went off to prepare herself. Amelia took off to the hamlet after taking breakfast to go.

She probably wouldn't have been able to leave if it weren't for the holidays. Confining students to the castle was rather strange. Considering the fact many left to get back to their homes. Henry being one of them.

Amelia took the first carriage out of Hogsmeade that went off to the hamlet. Curious to see how stubborn the Wizarding world remains to muggle technology. Although not that many can function within magical locations. Hogwarts being the prime example.

Her gaze peered out of the window as the forest and hills and fields spread out in front of her. It was a calm day. The self-pulling carriage moving at a steady comforting pace. Quite the remarkable feeling if she was honest.

There's such peace in the valley where Hogwarts lies. Little wonder so many wizards settle here. No muggles or anything which comforted many of them. To live without fear of them seeing them and getting into trouble with the Ministry.

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