Chaptee 26

140 10 4

The Yule Ball was approaching quickly, and Amelia had no idea how to dance. She wasn't a champion, so at least she wasn't forced to open the ball. That would be a downright disaster. But it made her come to her room after checking on her plants to receive some special training from her newest teacher.

"Alright, pupil," Daphne said, standing ready in an elegant silver dress with heels on. "Let's begin. So, who's the man between you two?"

Amelia stood like a little kid playing princess in the room. Her own dress was more of a darker shade and a flowy type. She wasn't sure why it mattered. But Amelia asked Hermione so... Perhaps it should be her?

"Me, I guess?"

"You really need to know, but fine, we'll go with you," Daphne approached, standing right in front of her. If she didn't have a beautiful girlfriend already, she would have asked Daphne to the ball.

"Left hand takes your partner's right hand, your right hand under the shoulder blade, keep your fingers closed," Daphne dictates to which Amelia tried to do as asked, mentally cursing at wearing heels. "No, not clenched, let it settle there like you're giving support! And back and neck straight, no slouching position!"

Amelia readjusted herself, sticking her tongue out as she concentrated on the few steps. So simple yet so hard at the same time. Her eyes began to drift to her feet, hoping to avoid stepping on Daphne's feet. But as she did, Daphne pushed her chin up.

"Eyes here, Black, focus on the partner. I know I am not Hermione, but no looking at the feet! Daisy?"

Amelia was not sure what the fairy suddenly had to do with it. Yet as she heard the snap of the fingers, her tongue shot back into her mouth, making her groan from discomfort.

"No tongue. You're a lady, not a swine."

"Geez, I'm trying! No need to be so harsh with me! I could hardly walk just three months ago," Amelia complained, stepping carefully in her imaginary box. Yet Daphne stopped, looking with a concerned look.

"Barely walk? What're you talking about?"

"I was in the hospital for years," Amelia said, wobbly walking to the chair. They only danced for fifteen minutes yet her feet were burning from the heels. "I used a walker to move around after I got seriously ill from the flu. It almost killed me. All because my body could not defend itself. No one knew what I was suffering from, but luckily a treatment worked and now I am as healthy as can be."

"I... I am so sorry."

"It ended well, so no worries. But yeah, it wasn't fun. For years, I spent in a single room, never leaving or I would risk death from just some simple disease."

She sat for a moment to massage her poor feet. "But my parents visited me often. As did Hermione. They taught me a lot about this place and magic in general. It's how I knew enough to start as a fourth year."

Daphne smiled, her hand held out again. "I see why Granger means so much to you. Then let's make sure you can dance, eh?"

Amelia smiled up at her, accepted the hand, and kept going for hours throughout the day. It was a long, painful, and uncomfortable session. But Daphne was true to her word. Amelia soon danced decently through the room. It was a relief to know Daphne was forced to learn it when she was younger.

"You should keep practicing," Daphne noted, removing her heels. "Master the basics, and you'll be able to add twirls and other fancy stuff to it."

"Thanks, Daphne. You're a lifesaver."

"I know," Daphne smiled. "And keep practicing with your dress on. I find that it helped, you know? Get yourself in the mood or something."

"Sure thing. Hey, who's your partner?"

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