Chapter 18

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The next day, she was sleeping as if she had run two marathons yesterday. Completely out of the world for most of the morning. She barely rose from her slumber as the clock ticked to twelve o'clock.

With groggy eyes, she took in her room. Daphne seemed to be working at her desk, quill screeching across the parchment. She was glad she had worked harder on the weekend to avoid homework. Well, it also helped that classes were put on pause due to the tournament. It wouldn't be fair to hold classes while they were playing.

Especially if those were tough, long-hour games.

Daphne looked over her shoulder at the sound of a rustling duvet, followed by yawns. "The Queen of Chess has awoken at last!"

"Yes, in all her sleepy glory," Amelia said through a long yawn. "Aw man, I missed breakfast..."

"Yup, brought you some though, but it's probably cold by now," Daphne said, pointing to Amelia's desk at the other side of the room. "It also seems you have an admirer from last night."


"Well, admirer may be a bit strong."

Amelia looked to her desk and saw the cold breakfast. It was her favorite type. English breakfast, with extra spicy sausages. Amelia would always go for this as her breakfast. Despite the kitchens making it very well, she still preferred Mrs. Granger's English breakfast. Nothing beats the breakfast she made.

But what Amelia found most interesting was the tiny womanly figure sitting close to it. It looked to be using the spoon as a mirror, trying to groom herself despite already looking splendid. Well, most definitely when you take the impressive wings of the fairy into account.

"A fairy?"

"Yup, the exact one that gave you light during the game. It followed you apparently," Daphne explained as she turned back to her parchment. "Don't ask me why, because I don't know. The Professor thought you might wish to keep her. So... here it is. Maybe as a reminder? I don't know."

"Uh... okay? Weird."


Amelia stretched her back a final time with a satisfying pop. To be honest, she never got a pet. Mainly because Crookshanks didn't like any she thought were cute. It's such a weird cat yet Amelia always thought it was smarter than she realised. But it made her have no pet.

She soon sat at her desk; the fairy buzzed a bit yet was overly focused on grooming herself. It is quite well-known they are vain creatures, but Amelia didn't think it would be this much vanity.

"Hello," said Amelia to the Fairy. "Uhm, what brings you here?"

The fairy ignored her, keeping to her grooming, almost as if the fairy didn't acknowledge her. What a strange morning this turned out to be. It certainly is weirder than Pansy being cordial. Not by much, Amelia had to admit.

"Well, I guess I shouldn't praise you then, if you ignore me... After all, you're the prettiest fairy I have ever seen," Amelia sighed with dramatic flair, a soft snicker came from behind her. Daphne was probably holding in her laugh.

Yet the fairy stopped her grooming, the purple hair that looks silky and clean resting in between the small fingers. The fairy glanced up at Amelia waiting for the praise with a chin held high, almost presenting herself so Amelia could compliment her entire appearance.

It was a beautiful fairy, Amelia couldn't deny it. The green skin held no blemish or flaw. Her purple hair was long and wavy, probably very soft to the touch. Even her deep green eyes were quite the sight.

Yet the wings were the main eyecatcher. Every color was present, lines blurring into each other to create a sea of sparkling colors. Truly, a beautiful fairy to see. At least the most beautiful fairy she has seen so far.

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