Chapter 13

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Amelia was rushing through the hallways.

Barely a few minutes had passed when she woke up or she was halfway out the door. Daphne woke up from the noise, groggily peering through sleepy eyes. Amelia thought her friend looked irritated yet fell asleep again the moment the door closed.

She went with determined steps toward McGonagall's office. There is not a chance she will miss the Wizarding Chess tournament. If she can't enter that famous, extraordinary tournament. She will join whatever else she can get. Besides, she can probably beat them with two fingers her nose.

"Professor!" Amelia said, slightly out of breath as she entered the office. "I... I want to enter!"

"Good morning, Miss Black. As much as your enthusiasm is appreciated, there's no need to be worried about missing out."

"I... didn't want to take the risk... Professor," Amelia said, taking a deep breath as she approached the professor's desk. "What do I need to do to enter?"

The professor gave an amused look as she was probably feeling the enthusiasm from her. Who wouldn't be? A match can be very thrilling and exciting. Depending on the opponent, of course.

"One can enter by writing their name in the entry book," the professor explained. "It is bewitched to pair the students once everyone willing has entered. So far, only Ron Weasley has entered."

How did he get here so early?!

"He asked me to put his name in the book," McGonagall explained as she noticed the look. "One can enter by informing me or by coming to my office. As for you, you can enter by writing in the book. Anywhere on the page will do."

The professor took out a leather notebook. Amelia took the offered quill and wrote her name down without hesitation. She doesn't know how good Ron is, but it will not save him. He can struggle as he wishes, but she will win.

"The Tournament will start within two weeks from now. We will provide the Wizarding Chess sets. In total, the tournament will take place over the course of a week," McGonagall explained. "Let's hope things will go well for Hogwarts this time around."

"Oh? Never went well for Hogwarts?"

"Beauxbaton produces excellent chess players. They've often outwitted our own, but perhaps we have a few that can outplay them. Ronald Weasley has shown to be a promising chess player."

Amelia wasn't deterred, though. A challenge is always welcome. She can't say she is the best of all the three schools if only the weaker players partake. It only makes her more pumped for the whole thing. What more could she ask for?

"Brilliant," Amelia said, standing back up. "I'm hoping to prove myself and win it for Hogwarts, Professor. I won't let you down!"

"Well," began McGonagall, a small smile forming, the first one Amelia has ever seen on her. Amelia thinks she sees more, though, her eyes taking her in as if looking deeply inside her. Odd. "I hope your confidence is well-placed, Miss Black. Now, off you go. I'm certain you can fill these free periods with homework."

Amelia gave the older-looking professor a smile and a respectful nod with the head. It may be the head of Gryffindor, the rival house of Slytherin, but Amelia has immense respect for McGonagall. Just as much as she has for Snape. A wise professor that she could learn much from.

The same can be said for the others. Less so for Hagrid, unfortunately. As much as Hermione likes him, he is a danger to students. Also a very kind man, but... his classes are just not suited for students most of the time.

And Binns, the Ghost Professor. She respects him for what he knew, but gods be good. One could die from boredom. Amelia is just glad the books are more exciting than him. Otherwise, she would have failed terribly for his subject.

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