Chapter 10

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Amelia was tired, a good sort of tiredness, though. Her legs were aching from the dancing, her throat dry from talking loudly over the music, and a fading spinning effect from some sort of fluffy candy thing. She had no idea what it was.

She was still in the Gryffindor Tower as they partied throughout the day, which the Gryffindors did with gusto. One hand reached for her cup, drinking the water to get rid of her dry, sandy throat. Various students opted to get a nap, to avoid falling asleep during dinner. Yet Harry, Ron, and Hermione were still awake, sitting with her in the common room.

"Thanks for this, guys. I really appreciate it," Amelia said, her face holding nothing but gratefulness. It felt uplifting, bringing her to the place she wished to be: happy and joyful.

"It's the least we could do," Harry said. "Besides, many were happy to hold a party and break a bit of the rules."

"You mean Fred and George. They were the most eager of us all," Ron laughed. The boy that was relieved. Hermione forgave him over the course of the party. With a bit of pushing from her side, which probably tipped the mental balance to his favor.

"In any case, I am glad. This was the reason for me to come, you know? To be among friends and experience magic. Not being bullied or whatever else you can think of," Amelia told the group, her eyes staring into her cup. The layer of water showed her face, revealing how it had changed from her crying expression to a happy one.

"Sorry," Ron softly responded.

"It's okay. We're good now, Ron," said Amelia. "I guess that's school life for you. Drama."

"Yeah, can't deny that," Harry muttered, slumping in the big cozy chair. "There's been plenty of it the last three years."

"Right, been fighting and having dangerous adventures. Should I expect another one this year?"

The three nodded almost in unison. Well, at least they were honest about their thoughts. To be honest, it could just be how the year started off. The Death Eaters weren't a good sign. One could say a very bad sign in combination with the Dark Mark.

She was still reading up on the histories. Yet what she read made her stomach upset three times over. The death and destruction, the torture and bloodshed. It sounded so awful to her. And she thought non-magical people were bad. This Voldemort guy would be great buddies with Hitler and Stalin. Same sort of insanity between the three.

"Well, I'll admit. It's not something I am keen on doing, putting myself in mortal danger, but I'll help in any way I can."

"Appreciated, Amelia, but let's not jump to conclusions so soon," Ron said. "It's not like anything has happened at school. Aside from getting a hard case and intense paranoia-filled professor. But that's to be expected from Mad-Eye."

"Let's hope so," Amelia muttered, trying to stifle a yawn. "I should probably go. Better not be here in case someone with authority comes to visit."

"Sure, oh, and one other thing," Harry said as they moved toward the entrance. "I sent an owl to Sirius. We thought you may want to know where you're from. As Sirius is a Black, we thought he may know something or could figure something out. We'll let you know once we hear anything."

Amelia let a contented breath of air leave her. She wasn't sure whether she would eat much. Just as she stood up, she felt as if she could just roll out of the tower. "Thanks, I hope to get some answers for once. Anyway, see you later. Sticking around would not be a good thing."

She transformed into the form of a cat and stalked away as Hermione opened the portrait.

Amelia didn't wish to join dinner. In all honesty, she just wished to drop on her bed and sleep. With cat's grace, she went back to the common room, turning back to her normal looks along the way. She will never get tired of it.

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