Chapter 29

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There was little to do. Her desk was crisply clean, as always, with a trash-hating aura about it. Her homework was neatly organized on the desk. She doubted that even Hermione was as up-to-date as her, mainly because Hermione had Harry and Ron around her. They did take quite a bit of attention, especially as Ron could be prone to jealousy or something of the sort.

She swirled around in her chair, facing Daphne, who was reading a thriller novel. Not sure what it was about, as it was written by a wizard, but even she was taking it easy.

"Yes?" Daphne asked, still focused on her book as she turned the page. "What is it?"

"I was wondering..."

"Oh dear."

"... how is it going with George?"

Daphne raised an eyebrow, peeking over her book. "Where's this curiosity coming from?"

Amelia sighed, slumping down in her chair. In all honesty, she was bored. Sure, she could work on the recipe or seek out Harry or something else, but she wasn't feeling it. There must be something interesting happening or that she can do.


"If you're bored, why not go to Granger? Snog her and stop bothering me to sate your boredom," Daphne responded as her book covered her face again. She would if it were not for...

"She's busy."

Amelia sighed dramatically and loudly. She swirled through the room, her chair twirling and rolling around. Daphne groaned again, closing the book and putting a bookmark where she left off.

"Homework then?"


"What!? How!? Never mind, don't answer that. It will only make me depressed," Daphne grumbled. "Practice those difficult Charm spells Flitwick gave us then!"

"I already can cast them fluently!"

"Ugh, you are too studious. Don't you have a life..."

Well, her life was very limited. All she did was watch shows, exercise by walking around her room, and, well, talk with whoever visited at the time. So, not much of a life if she was honest. Actually, one could say pretty boring.

"No, not really."

"That's sad, so sad," Daphne sighed as if she felt her pain. She wasn't sad though. Just bored.

"Maybe I can practice apparating?"

"Sure, just leave me in- wait? What!?"

Daphne looked at her with shock on her face. The surprise was unreal, as if she had heard a bad joke. Amelia felt quite boastful to have done it in one go. While she did throw up in an alleyway not long after Anne left, she still managed to perform it.

"Yeah, grandma taught me!"

"Grandma... What!?"

"Yup, just discovered I still have family! Well, family I actually have some blood connections to!"

Daphne pinched her nose, a heavy breath leaving her. It seemed the shock punches was truly getting to her. Well, she'll admit. It's quite a lot for a lazy Sunday. Truly, a day that felt as if nothing would happen. And now, family revelations.

"Merlin's beard... This is quite a day..." Daphne muttered, rubbing her eyes as she tried to process the news. "Well, I guess I'm happy for you. I won't ask for specifics. Because if I am honest, I don't want to know. And I won't help you break any more rules and laws. Do as you wish."

"No problem," Amelia laughed. "I'll see what's going on with Hermione. Perhaps I can help."

"Sure, just don't break any other rules! You don't want to be expelled, do you?"

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