Chapter 40

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Harry and Amelia sat on the sofa within the drawing room. They let silence grip the room as they thought on matters. There was plenty to think about too. Voldemort being the thing to spring to mind most often. Amelia was worried about his return.

She barely been part of this world and she loved it thoroughly. But his return means darker times and if history tells her anything... death. Cedric being the first. She fears for the safety of the Grangers. The people she loved very much, those lovely persons that raised her and loved her.

Harry must have his own demons to deal with. It was he that saw Voldemort return. Was there when Cedric was murdered. And let's not forget that Voldemort caused his family to be dead. He probably wants to kill Harry the most with Dumbledore close second.

There's need for some thinking. And both were comfortable enough to do it in each other's presence. However, their silence was broken when Ron and Hermione entered the room with several letters in hand.

"Well, well, well, our book list has arrived!" Amelia said excitedly.

Hermione too smiled brightly in response. They were both looking forward to reading everything before the classes even started. Well, to be honest, Sirius had given her the books of his fifth year. She had read the books of potions so many times, she had it practically memorised. Yet she couldn't help but improve it by using other reference books. It was now filled with notes and corrections.

"Yes! I can't wait to get the books!" Hermione said, quickly making her way over. She plopped down next to Amelia, giving the letters that belonged to her and Harry.

Amelia opened the first envelope, revealing the book list. It wasn't hard to see she and Hermione were smiling together as they went through it. What's not to like about getting a list of interesting books? But Amelia frowned as she saw one book.

"What's this? Sirius didn't tell me about this one," Amelia said as she pointed to one in particular. "Dark Arts Defence: Basics for beginners. Are they mental? We're fifth years! Not some helpless damsels in distress."

"Well, maybe... It's always good to work on the basics," Hermione said in a tentative voice. "I mean, let's be honest. We barely got any good lessons aside from two years. Who knows? It could do some good."

"Hermione, love you very much, but you don't believe what you say."

"We don't know! I never even heard of this book, and I don't remember seeing it in the library. It could be good," Hermione responds. That's something Amelia couldn't deny. She wasn't there but she heard enough from her friends, and Hermione, that it were less than stellar teachers.

"Fair enough, I suppose," Amelia sighed putting the list to the side. She peered into the envelope again as she noticed more paper content. The usual notice about when the first term started. But then she saw another piece of parchment.

"Prefect...?" Amelia said with surprise, reading the parchment that announced her position. "I am the female prefect for Slytherin..."

"You too!" Hermione said excitedly. "They made me the female prefect for Gryffindor!"

"I'm happy for you, love," Amelia said warmly as she snuggled into the happy girl. "You deserve it more than anyone I know."

"I am a prefect too..." Ron said with disbelief that caught the two girls' attention. It seemed to be the case as he held a similar parchment in hand. His eyes were scanning it so many times, Amelia wondered if he was having a stroke.

"Wait... Harry?"

"Apparently I wasn't good enough, Amelia," said Harry with some bitterness in his tone.

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