Rose's eyes narrowed at the detective's persistence. She couldn't understand why he kept asking the same questions when her memory remained a blank slate. Frustration bubbled within her, coiling like a restless serpent.
- For the 10th time, I cannot remember anything. My story will not change. I have already said this to the officer before you and the one before him. She declared, her voice strained.
-I barely know my name.
The detective leaned forward, his expression a blend of skepticism.
- We're just trying to piece together what happened, Rose. Anything you can remember, no matter how small, could be crucial.
Before Rose could retort, the door creaked open, drawing both their attention. A figure stepped into the room, commanding attention with an air of authority.
- If you want to continue interrogating her, please speak to my lawyer. A firm voice, cut through the tension in the room.
The man infront of Rose sighed. Rose had forgotten his name again.
The detective hesitated for a moment, then nodded reluctantly, gathering his papers and exiting the room with a final glance at Rose.
- Let me know if you remember anything. He stated.
Alone at last, Rose turned to the man who had helped out, her mind buzzing with questions. Before she could utter a single word, however, another figure darted into the room—a woman whose face was etched with concern and love. Rose blinked in surprise as the woman enveloped her in a tight embrace.
- My poor baby. The woman murmured, her voice thick with emotion.
- Thank goodness you're safe.
Rose's heart raced as she struggled to process the flood of emotions swirling within her. Who was this woman?
- Samantha I think you must first tell her who you are.
I looked back to the man and thanked him silently.
The woman then retreated.
- I am your mom, we are your parents.
- My parents?
-Yes, the woman hugged again.
Rose returned the hug this time. She now felt comfort and unfamiliar at the same time?
As she nestled into the woman's embrace, Rose couldn't shake the unsettling feeling.
- We came as soon as they called. They informed you were found near a river Rose, what were you doing there? Her mom mentioned hysterically.
Near a river? She wanted to know as well.
- We catched the first flight we could get. When we got here you were unconscious. She added.
- How long?
- How long was I out? Rose asked.
Both my mom and dad looked at each other.
- It's been two weeks honey. Today is November the 18th. Honey.
Rose shifted uneasily in her seat, her mind still grappling with the fragments of memory that eluded her. She turned to the woman beside her, her mother—or so she presumed.
- Mom, she began tentatively,
"can you tell me something?"
Her mother's eyes softened with concern as she nodded. "Of course, sweetheart. What is it?"

Found Obsession
Mystère / ThrillerDetective Roselyn Hansley wakes up to a nightmare she can't remember. Drowned by a serial killer and left for dead, her body survived-but her memories didn't. Stripped of her past and thrust into a life of uncertainty.. As Rose returns to her work...