Chapter 14: This is Fine

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Kayla walked into the room with y/n to see their two favorite idiots, Lauren and Izzy. It being Christmas time, Izzy was a little too excited. Lauren shared her excitement but not as much as the other girl. Izzy loved Christmas so much that as soon as Halloween ended she began to decorate.

When Kayla and y/n saw what was happening in the room, they grew mildly concerned. They are always concerned about those two girls, but the sight before their very eyes would have made anyone else scared for their mental state. The two girls were both wrapped all in tinsel. Lauren however, was also wrapped in wrapping paper.

"How's it going?" Kayla asked casually.

"As seventh-grade Lauren would say, very cash Maloney," Izzy nodded her head

"I will kill you where you stand," Lauren said, glaring.

"Do it, you won't," Izzy dared.

"No!" y/n interjected.

"y/n, don't worry. Izzy is just daring her to do something dumb. She doesn't actually mean her dare," Kayla explained.

"I mean my dare. I mean all my dares!"

"If you mean your dare-" Kayla began to say.

"Alright! Let's go Izzy!" Lauren cut Kayla off.

The two girls attempted to get out of their entanglement of Christmas decorations. The key word in that sentence was attempt. Neither of the girls could do it, and they remained stuck.

"This is fine." Lauren sighed, tangled in the wrapping paper.

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