Chapter (3)

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I stood up and leaned my back against the wall. Blade smirked at me,"Come and get me."

I  fought through the pain and started to walk towards him. I made a move for his right arm, but backfired and luckily got him in the back. I switched my footwork and kicked him in the back of his kneecap. 

Surely a blow like that would have taken him out but all he did was stand there. He turned to face me and squeezed his temple.

"This game has grown quite tiresome," at an inhuman speed, he pinned my back against the pillar of the bed. His hands rested on my hips. 

He growled loudly and lifted my body up and wrapped my left around his hips.

"Let me go."

"Why should I?"

"So I can kill you."

"How can you kill something that's dead?" He poofed to the other side of the room and leaned against the door that had lead to the bathroom. 

When I fell to the ground, it felt like I had just landed on a boulder. 

I gripped the glass shard harder and threw it towards Blade. I barely missed him.

 "Nice aim Missy."

"DON'T MOCK ME!" I  took off my heels and threw them at him. 

One hit in the abdomen and the other in the face. He became angry. 

At that same lightning spped, he stood in front of me and hissed loudly. He slapped me across the face which sent me across the room. At this point, I could no longer stand. All power was smacked, literally, from my body.

I laid against the wall. I was taking in deep breaths as Blade walked over. He picked me up and pressed my stomach against that same dead end. 

Using the pressure of his body, he held me up against the wall. He ran his hand up the skirt of the dress and gripped my bottom. 

"Get your hands off of me."

"But Darling, I'm just having fun," he smiled widely.

"I said get off!" I reached my arm back and grabbed his hair.

With whatever upper body strength I had left, I banged his head into mine. He stumbled back and rubbed his forehead as I rubbed mine.

"You bitch." 

He lunged at me and grabbed me by my hair. He yanked me back to the ground and pulled me to his bed, causing my face to hit the nightstand.

I coughed out a little blood onto the floor and looked up at him.

"You're going to clean that later," he growled.

"No," I thought that bashing my head against would have hurt him. In all actuality, it probably hurt me more. 

He banged my head against the side of the bed. 

I was so close to picking up the lamp, but then everything seemed to fade into a dark haze.

Upon waking up, I felt the same soft sheets I had awoken in earlier. 

"You're awake," He toyed with the strands of my hair. He smirked at me and moved closer. "I didn't like that Amber. You were being a bad girl." He began trailing kisses down my neck. 

I wiggled and squirmed, but it seemed that my reaction to him appeared to please him so much that he kept going.

 He rubbed himself against me. I couldn't help but feel pleasure running through my body. I didn't want to let him know, but my body betrayed me. 

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