Chapter (12)

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"Amber!" I heard Rosaline calling me from upstairs.



"I'm coming!" I looked at Alvin. "What the fuck does she want?"

"I heard that." I groaned. I walked up the steps and to Alexander's office.

"What is...Holy shit!" There was red writing on the walls and it didn't smell wasn't pleasant. The writing said 'Give her to us or face the consequences. Return her to the heavens or blood will spill.' Well technically blood has already been spilled. You wrote on the wall "What is this?"

"Blood. I'm guessing from the angels."

"What the hell is wrong with them, they are angels, they stand for good."

"You've got the wrong idea there missy. It the opposite. Angels are bad." I stood there with utter shock written on my face. I turned around to see Marcus in the doorway. "You've got the wrong idea of angels. They are the reasons there are demons. We were the good angels that wanted to stop the first dimension from taking over the earth. God didn't know that the angels he has under his power now were the one trying to take over. The angels casted God and all the rest of the resistance, the team I and Blade, to hell. The angels summoned the Devil himself to rule over the heavens. You my dear are the weapon they need to take over this world."

"Well thanks. I'm a weapon of mass destruction. This is such a wonderful day." Blade walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You're my weapon of mass destruction." He winked at me.

"That's nasty." Momman shook her head.

"What does this have to do with me?"

"They're coming for you.. We need to find a place to keep you safe."

"How are we supposed to do that, they've got eye probably all over the city."

"We'll maybe we've just have to change her appearance."

"Plastic surgery."

"No, I don't want to ruin my poor Amber's face. God what wrong with you Marcus?"

"Sorry, it was the first idea to come to mind. To be honest, I really just want to kick some ass."

"I know but we can't. We'll just have to get some help. Where are the twins?"

"Down stairs with Alvin and Alix. They were talking about video games and then Alix's accident."

"Make sure they are still there, ask everyone to come up here. One we'll need help cleaning up the walls and two, we'll need to form a plan." It took an hour of scrubbing the walls. Once everyone was up in Blade's office, we closed the door shut the curtains. "We need to get Amber to Cedrick."

"Who is Cedrick?"

"He's the guardian of the gates of Hell. Well not technically hell, it's heaven in a way, you know what I mean." Marcus sighed. "I'm so tired."

"I figured. Cedrick is a wise man. He'll know what to do."

"How do we get to him?"

"We go to hell."

"What. are you kidding me. I just turned eighteen and I'm already going to hell. This is not how I pictured my life."

"And I didn't picture myself in love with a weapon."

"Well I didn't think I would be forced to love someone."

"Well I didn't want to love someone who is a mistake!" I widened my eyes.

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