Chapter (21)

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I'm sooo sorry if this stroy has dragged on, I've been typing other works. I've been busy with school, and it's kinda hard to figure out what I want to do, especially since I have created a mess in Amber's life...oh that poor girl.Anyways, I hope you guys are really liking this book. I'm trying my absolute best and I truly thank all of you for reading, voting, and sharing. Please keep it up. I love you all!!!

Have fun reading this chapter! ❤️Love you guys!!!. 


Oh how I love watching her sleep. She was angel, a gift that I had earned. She rolled over and curled into a tight little ball. I removed a strand of hair that fell into her face. She has to be perfect. Their can't anything out of place or else it would hide her beauty.

"You're a very creepy man you know that," I watched her open her eyes. They glowed a bright silver then faded to her delicious brown as she stretched.

"How is that, I am just admiring an angel," I moved closer to her. I felt bad that I kept her in a cell, but she wouldn't cooperate with me. All I want is her love. Blade doesn't deserve it, I do. I watched him hurt her mentally.He would say things to her that a good husband should never say.

"Yeah you're officially a creep," She stood up and stretched. All she wore was a see through nightgown that hung closer to her body then what was intended, but it was all joyous for me.

"Hm, that maybe true to you, but you and I both know I'm liking the view from here," I grabbed her by the waist and sat her on my lap.

"Enjoy it while it last, because when I'm strong enough, I'm slitting your throat," she spat in my face. I gripped her arms with a growl.

"You know what happens when you disrespect me," at this point she was now under me. She didn't show any sign of fear.

"Do you think I care, it's not like you are taking something from me; all you want is to pleasure yourself, but at what cost?" He voice was sturdy, calm, and powerful.

"You want to know why I enjoy taking you, how cliche," I smirked.

"No, a cliche would be asking a mask man who he was," she carried attitude in her tone, and continued to lay underneath me. It confused me why she didn't struggle, yet it didn't scare him.

"Well that too, but the main reason I love for you to be mine is because I merely admire your beauty, and that I shall admit, Blade doesn't deserve you, I do," I stroked her cheeks as she rolled her eyes.

"Sure, you think about that statement," she pushed me off of her and sat up, "If my fiance doesn't deserve me, then you definitely don't. You casted him away to hell where you belong," She ran her hand through her hair. I did love her calm demeanor.

"I belong in hell, you must be mistaken. I took over heaven to keep it clean from those who were here wrongfully, just like your...fiance," I hated that word, fiance. Why couldn't she be mine. He took everything from me. He took my Val, but now I have his Amberlyn, and she is a million times better that that traitorous woman.

"He wasn't wrongfully here, you were! You are the very definition of the Devil himself, you are an ass licking scum who I want to kill," her voice was louder and the darkness that consumed this room grew. It was always amused me to see that darkness was conceived when Amberlyn was angry, yet when Valcina had this gift, it was always light.

"You can think that all you want, but honey, there is no way he's getting Heaven, nor will he get you," I started making my way towards the cell door until I felt something on my back bring me down.

"If won't get Heaven, then I will," I heard Amberlyn behind me. She put me in a headlock as hard as she could. I began clawing at her forearm, but she bit back the pain, literally. I had to call for my guards to get her sedated. She was a real fire and it worried me. What if she became strong enough...stronger that Valcina? I couldn't have that.

"My Lord, are you okay?" One guard ask as he finished laying Amber in her bed.

"Yes, and thank you for tucking her in, but I would like to move her to a more, suitable place," the only way I could possibly keep her from gaining any more power was making her to go insane. She needed to be in a cell more confinding. I'm going to do everything I can to break her and degrade her. I'm going to turn her against Blade. I'm going to use her to destroy him.

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