Chapter (11)

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"Why did you have to blame father leaving on me? What type of mother are you?" I heard Amber yelling from downstairs. My god, she could lead an army with that voice. I put of a pair of sweats on and my robe. I walked downstairs to see Amber yelling at her mother. "You blame me for his leaving, it's you who wasn't a good wife. You sold yourself for riches. You were a whore!"

"Don't you dare speak to me like that. I did it for your education."

"My education was free. It was paid. The school paid for it. You only wanted the money for yourself. I had to work for the family. I paid the bills since I was nine. You were out fucking somebody in the corner of an alley while I was cooking, cleaning, and taking care of Alvin and Alix."

"You don't know what I was doing." I watched Miss. Stone strike her daughter with a spatula.

"Amber!" I ran to Amber as quick as possible. "Are you alright?"

"Yes darling I'm alright but will she."

"Mother." I saw Alvin and Alix looking at her. They were both mortified.

"Alvin, Alix, it's not what it looks like."

"You just struck her with spatula. What type of mother are you?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too."

I stood up. "Just like I didn't mean to give you the gift of eternal life." I summoned her soul from the underground and held it in my hands.

"What-what are going to do with that?"

"No one hurts Amber besides me. No one." I crushed it. Amber's mother screamed in pain as she lit up in flames. I looked at Amber who looked as calm as could be."

"Did you kill her?" Alix looked at me.

"No, she just with all the other bad parents who have hurt their children." I helped Amber up to see the mark was already gone. She looked at me and nodded. She knew banishing her mother was the correct thing to do. We didn't have time for bullshit. We need to get down to the problem and quick before the council finds out.

"What happens now?" Alvin looked at Amber and I.

"We get to work."


After my mother struck me, I felt no love for her. She abandoned my brothers and I as a child. She belongs with the rest of the asshole mothers and father. I walked upstairs and into my bedroom. I slammed the door and sat on the bed. Could it have been my fault that father left because I wasn't the child he wanted. I wasn't the baby boy he wanted. No, he had two before. Alvin and Alix. No, it couldn't possibly be my fault. Mother sold herself for pleasure instead of a stable life but I was the one who at the age of seven nearly destroyed our home. It was an accident. I was playing outside and instantly everything around me was on fire. It didn't bother me though. I couldn't feel the heat.

"Amber." I looked up at Blade. "It wasn't your fault, you're a good kid. You would never mean to hurt your family. That's why you took care of them."

"Stop reading my minds."

"I'm not reading your mind, I'm listening to your thoughts. There's a difference." BLade sat behind me and pulled me on him. "Amica mea, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me but I'm afraid that you will turn on me."

"What do you mean?"

"When the angels finally come for you, they'll use you to open the gateway to hell to destroy my kind, or when the council come they'll go the same to Heaven. I need you to keep the balance and reunite the two dimensions in eternal harmony."

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