Chapter (24)

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~ Blade ~

"Blade...I'm sorry to inform you, but I believe Amber isn't in any danger," a friend of mine, George Wills bowed.

"What do you mean?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"If seems that she has taken a liking to Zeyon..." he trialed off.

"What! How is that possible!" I slammed my hand against my desk. I was losing the woman that I loved. I placed my head on my desk, "It can't be, she's suppose to be mine," I cried.

"Do you think she's doing this out of revenge?" George patted my back.

"What do you mean?" I looked up at him.

"You did at some point in time say that she was suppose to be a mistress, well she was until you strangled the shit out of Victoria," he chuckled.

"I know, and I was wrong for telling her those things. I feel in my heart that she is the one for me. She's the best thing I can ever ask for," I leaned back in my seat and looked at the picture of us. It was the day I took her to the beach. She had on this adorable two piece on and was on my back. Her smile was bright and gorgeous. 

"Maybe she's secretly hurting and finds Zeyon's company-" 

"What do you mean company?" I cut him off.

"Well, you see sir, she's been quite loud lately and so has he..." he looked at the floor.

"What are you applying?" I glared at him.

"They've had sex Blade," George stared at me. I instantly pushed everything off my desk and threw the lamp at the wall. 

"This can't be possible! You're lying!" I stood up and tossed my chair at the opposite wall, "Gather everyone, tell them to meet me in the dinning hall, it's time," I got up and swung my door open, creating a hole in my wall, "And get someone to clean this mess," I glared at him. I walked down to the kitchen and instantly opened the whiskey cabinet. I got out 30 year old Highland Park 30 Scotch that Amber got for me. I popped off the cap, but before I started drinking, I saw Rosaline shaking her head, "What do you want?" I growled.

"Really you're going to speak to me like that? You need to get off your ass and act like a man or else she'll truly love that man," Rosaline voice was powerful and in someways it scared me.

"Yeah, I am," I rolled my eyes, "Can you please just everyone it's time," I stood up and placed my hands on the table.

"For?" she tilted her head.

"To get MY Amberlyn back," I growled.


Zeyon showed me around this wonderful  place called Heaven, yet I didn't belong here. I belong on Earth with my family, friends, and loving fiancee. He showed me to his home and told me to relax in the backyard by the pool painted in quarts and gold. 

"My lady?" I heard Oross whisper in my ear.

"Yes?" I looked at him.

"Are you alright?" his big yellow eyes looked back at me.

"Yes," I smiled weakly.

"You are lying," he tapped my cheek.

"Then why did you ask," I sat in one of the lawn chairs and held him in my hands.

"Because I know you sense something is coming, and you and I both know it's Blade," he sat down.

"I know, but," I looked back at the house, Zeyon was inside talking to someone.

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