Chapter (25)

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It was over, but at a cost. I lost the reincarnation of Amber. I lost the love of my life once again. How many times did I have to go through this  damn cycle. I watched as her body slowly began to deteriorate into a cloud. Her soul, a beautiful white light, floated upwards. I could see all the women who held that soul. They were so alike, yet in some way, I enjoyed my small amount of time with Amber more. She was this fire in my soul and in some way, I put out that fire. It was my fault that she laid in my arms without a single drop of life left in her. 

I had pushed her away. I lied to her in so many ways. I didn't return her love when it was needed most. I was an awful human when I was living, and a horrible angel while dead. She didn't deserve someone like me. She didn't deserve to live in this world knowing the dangers. Amber had a plan. She was going to help her brothers and her useless mother. She was kind to almost all. She was mine and now she's dead. 

I picked up her body and began carrying it towards the cemetery. Beside me were her brothers and weakened soldiers who held the bodies of others. It didn't take long to arrive. Graves were already prepared, except for hers. There was a special place in which I wanted her. 

At the top of a plush green hill, there stood a small tomb. Her name was already engraves and the tomb was opened. Without a thought I laid her body in and shut it. I couldn't dwell on it. I couldn't think about it. I would see her again. I would see her in another life. I would see her in the same soul. I had to move on...

For Amberlyn.

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