Chapter (14)

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Like I said, last chapter for this book. Book two won't come out until after my newest book is over. I'm not sure when I wasn't to publish it though but while you are waiting, go check out the sneek peak of my new story and tell me what you think. Anyways enjoy this last chapter.

I awoke with sound or flushing coming from the toilet in our bathroom. I got up to see Blade stuffing paper from a notebook from it.

"Hun, what are you doing."

"Flushing paper."

"The only paper that is suppose to be going down a toilet is toilet paper. How old are you?"

"Old enough."

"Let me help you remove the-"

"Nope, I'm okay. Perfectly fine Amber."



"Don't lie to me. What are you flushing?" I reached for one of the papers that were still untouched by the toilet water. It was a plan on it it was dated back to 1328. I looked up at Blade. "What is this?"

"It's just an old plan."

"From're at least 687 years old."

"No I'm 702 years old. I died at twenty two."

"Is this the plan from-"

"Heaven, when Zeyon took over."

"Who is Zeyon?"

"He used to be a good friend of mine until he was corrupted with the thought of ruling the Heavens. I couldn't stop him sadly. That plan is the only thing I have left of that memory and I would to get rid of it."

"Why, we could use this?"

"No we can!" I step back as he looked at the ground. His hands were balled into fist.

"Why not?"

"It didn't work the first time and I pretty damn sure it won't work now."

"But it-"

"No, I'm going to risk losing you. I lost to many angel during that war. I lost too many good people."

"Who were they?"

"Friends, family, loved ones."

"Was there someone special?"


"What was her name?"


"How much did you love her?"

"I loved her quite a bit."

"Do I remind you of her?"


"Was the reason you kidnapped me because I looked like her?"


"Then what?"

"I met your father"

"What about my father?"

"His real name is Cedrick Gromeden. He's Rose's only family left alive."

"Rosaline...she's my aunt."

"Yes, she's watched over you for a while now."

"What do you mean a while."

"You aren't just a regular girl with super powers. At first you were a soul."

"A soul of what?"

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