Chapter (16)

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I shoved my way passed his and ran out of the room as quick as possible. I had no idea where I was going, but eventually ended up in the garden. I looked at my hands to see the dark aurora slipping from my hand. I looked at the roses in front of me to see them slowly dying away.

"I see that you've discovered you abilities." I turned around to see Cedrick, standing before me. His had a white scruff beard and dark skin that matched Aunty Rose. I turned away from his and looked at the rose, it was blooming. "Why do you hate me?"

"Ask my childhood."

"I'm sorry I-"

"Why does everyone say sorry? Sorry for this and sorry for that. It's getting on my nerves."

"Amber, I just wanted your life to be safe and filled with joy, I didn't know your mother would abandon you. We never foresaw that. I'm sorry Amberlyn, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."

"Save it for the theatre. I really don't care anymore. I just want to get of the threat in my life and hope to God that he'll never bother me ever again. I just want a good future with the man I love."

"You love him?"

"Yes, why do you ask it's not like you would care about my life anyways."

"You are my daughter, I-"

"I am not your daughter."

"Yes you are."

"If I was your daughter, you would have been there for me and for Alix, but you weren't. You were too damn busy with some other woman. I saw you with her every week when mother wasn't home."

"She wasn't my lover Lyn, she was a friend of mine. She was one of the only people I trusted around you."

"Then who was she."


"Blade's ex-lover." I looked at the floor. The woman he onced loved babysat me. It made me sick to my stomach.

"They parted long before the war, but were very close friends, almost like family. I had them two watch you so that Zeyon would never lay a hand on you. I wanted you safe, and I couldn't promise that with me around. I didn't leave because your mother's actions, heck I loved her even more for them because although she was going around sleeping with them, she came home with money in her pocket and made sure you went to the best school."

"I don't believe you!"

"Sweetheart, you were fed lies, yes she slept with other men, but it was for you."

"So where was she went I was being beaten in the middle school, where was she when I almost raped by my neighbors, where was she when I graduated with my bachelor's degree, where was she?"


"Exactly. My mother only cared about herself. She came home with Prada shoes and Gucci bags. She was living the good life while I was the one fending for my brothers and I. I was the maid and the caretaker. I paid for my brother's bill. I did! Me!" I pointed to myself. "But you wouldn't understand that, you were too busy in hell. Maybe you should have stayed there!" Tears flowed down my cheek.

"Amber darling!" I wiped my eyes when I heard Blade's voice from behind. I quickly turned around and hugged him. "It's going to be alright. I'm sorry he caused you so much pain. I'm sorry, but he is here now to fix what he had done."

"How could he fix what he has done? I wouldn't care about these powers I had, I wouldn't, but since my life has been in danger because of him, I do care."

"I know my sweets, I know, but you need to forgive him for now, and after this is all done, you can go back to hating him. I promise you that."

"You sure?" I looked at my father who had guilt written on his face. I looked at the ground. "Fine, I shall forgive him for now, but when this mess is over, I will hate him." I felt my father smile. I pushed myself away from Blade and huffed. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Alright darling." I heard my father pipe up.

"I wasn't talking to you." I growled and continued walking. When I reached the sliding glass door, I could help but sense the presence, a strong presence like Blade's to be exact, watching me. I turned around to see a man on the neighboring house watching me. He smirked and disappeared in a flash. I pressed my lips together and walked inside. I had to keep my guard up.

I walked upstairs and found a pair of jeans and a graphic tee. I walked to the bathroom and prepared my shower. As I shredded my clothes, I swear I saw a man standing behind, but when I took a double look, he was gone. I picked up a pocket knife and carried it into the shower with me. As I washed my hair, I felt someone touch my back. When I turned out with my knife, I was pinned against the wall by the same man I saw in the mirror. He had my arms pinned above my head.

"Hello darling, the name is Zeyon. You've probably heard a lot about me, well I have about you and I've been dying to finally meet you for a long time

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