Chapter (18)

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I sat at the dinner table with my whole family eating in silence until Aunt Rose cleared her throat. "Amberlyn, why do you reject you father?" I looked up at her and placed my fork down.

"What you mean, I can't not reject someone of a title they don't have." I drank some water and looked at her.

"Child, that man has gone to hell for you to protect you."

"To protect me, what about my brothers. Alix got hit by a car, was disabled for most of his life, lost his wife, his home."

"Well it wasn't your father's fault."

"It was, because he didn't have an angel protect them. Only me. Why do I have to be the special one. Why am I the one to get kidnapped, raped and threaten. Why me?"

"Everything happens for a reason."

"And the reason is because I'm so fuckig special. I'm the protector of heaven. I'm the all mighty weapon. I fucking hate this. I rather be dead then to be here, trying to protect my brothers, trying to protect the man I love. I can't do this anymore." In a flash I flew up to my room and slammed the door. I screamed into a pillow as tears ran down my face. "I hate everyone!" I cried.

"It's a shame to see you like this." I got up to see Zeyon. "Such a pretty girl. Your face is stained with ugly tears."

"What do you want?"

"I just want to see how you were doing, but as I can see it's not so good."

"Shut up. My life wouldn't be like this if you didn't take over Heaven."

"Hmm, true, but it wouldn't give me the chance to meet you." He walked passed me and locked the door.

"What if I didn't want to meet you?"

"Then what a pity." His hands were on my waist and his minty breath filled what little air was between us. "If only I met you before Blade."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I turned around.

"Maybe you would have fallen for me rather him."

"I go for the good boys." I tried pushing myself away, but couldn't.

"Well I'm definitely good in bed."

"But she'll never find out." I looked at the door to see Blade with a sword in his hands. "Get the fuck away from my wife."

"Why? It seems that she's more interested in me than you." Zeyon grabbed my hips and pulled me towards him.

"I said, get the fuck away from my wife."


"So I can kill you myself."

"I don't think so." He bit my neck and everything went black....


I followed Amber upstairs to find the door lock. I unlocked it to find Zeyon with his nasty hands on the hips of me fiancee.

"I go for the good boys." She tried pushing herself away, but couldn't. Zeyon was much stronger than her, but wouldn't be for long. I was trying to help Amber unlock her fullest potential.

"Well I'm definitely good in bed." My blood boiled. He was going to die to my blade if it was the last thing I do.

"But she'll never find out."Amber looked at me with wide eyes, not because she was found with Zeyon, but the fact that she couldn't get away from him. I could see the power build up in her eyes, but it still wasn't enough. "Get the fuck away from my wife."

"Why? It seems that she's more interested in me than you." Zeyon grabbed her hips and pulled her towards him. He was getting on my last nerve

"I said, get the fuck away from my wife."

"Why?"He toyed with her hips and flashed his fangs. No...he was going to bite

"So I can kill you myself."

"I don't think so." He bit into her neck and he body went instantly when numb. "See you later Bladie Bear. I hope to see you soon. Before I could get to him he was gone in a poof and Amber was with him.

"God damn it!" I pounded on the floor.

"What happened?" Alvin and Alix rushed into the room and knelt beside me.

"He took her. He took her and it's all my fault."

"Who took her?"

"Zeyon, he was here. He took my Amber. He took her and it's all my fault." I pounded against the floor some more.

"It's not your fault." Alix placed his hand on his back.

"Yes it is. I didn't train her hard enough. Now she's in the hands of that scum. I'm going to kill him. I'm going to put his head on a silver platter and feed it to the dogs."

"You better get my sister back." Alvin leaned against the bedpost.

"Don't you think I know that." I stood up and got in his face. "I love her as much as you do and don't want anything to happen to her."

"Well apparently you're lying, because you let Zeyon get her."

"You better shut your fucking mouth before I rip it off your face."

"What, you can't handle the truth, and the fact you won't be good enough for her. My sister deserves better." I had enough and punched him in the face. He stumbled backwards and wiped the blood dripping from his nose. He came at me, but was stopped by Alix.

"Maybe you both aren't good enough for her. You aren't a good brother and you aren't a good husband." I looked at the floor. "You two need to get along, it's for Amber's sake and for your own."

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