Chapter (17)

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"Hello darling, the name is Zeyon. You've probably heard a lot about me, well I have about you and I've been dying to finally meet you for a long time." He smirked at me. I could see a type of brokeness in his eyes.

"I thought you'd be hotter."

"What a pitty? You don't like my looks. I thought you would after all, can see that you are truly interested in the immortal type."

"Only the good ones."

"How cute." He smirked at me. "You are truly more beautiful than the pictures." He grabbed me by my waist and threw me against the opposite wall. "You aren't as strong as she is though. How does it feel to know the soul you possess was once a lover of your beloved mate."

"This is my soul, not her's. She may have been one of the protector and of that very paradise you call home, but this my soul. No one else's." I stood up and gathered myself.

"To bad you couldn't be as beautiful as her though, and your body isn't as perfect as her's though."

"Shut up" I spat. I just realised that I was still in the shower and quickly opened the door to step out, but slipped. "FUCK!" I placed my hand on my hip and bit my lip.

"What a shame?"

"Shut up!" I cut his leg and stood up. "I'm going to kill for what you've done to Blade."

"Go ahead and try." I watched him smirk as I pulled a sword out of the darkness that filled the air. I charged at him, but he quickly disappeared and grabbed me from behind and laugh. "You're so weak, just like your father."

"Cedrick is not my father.'

"Why do you reject him little mouse?"

"I don't reject him, I simply ignore him." I stabbed him in the stomach and pushed him to the floor as he cut my side. "I could finish you right now, but that wouldn't be fair."

"How cute. Until next time then. He poofed away, as did my sword that was in his torso. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into the bedroom to see Blade in the doorway.

"I heard...a loud....thud....from....outside." He took a deep breath through each word. "God I am out of breath and out of shape."

"Then how do you explain the six pack." I poked at his stomach.

"I work out."

"Exactly." I smiled.

"Back to the point of why I ran up here, are you okay love?"

"Yeah, it's just my hip."

"Let me-"

"No it's okay, I'm fine." I felt a sharp pain in my hip and fell on my knees.

"Hun are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just think it's my time of the month."

"Oh, well let me help you to the bathroom." He placed his hand on my injured hip. I bit my lip and pushed him away.

"I'm okay."



"I can sense that you are lying to me."


"Because I know there has been another person, or thing here."

"By the thing, do you mean my father."

"Amberlyn, when will you drop that?" He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"When you start telling me the truth."

"What do you mean?"

"Why didn't you tell me Valcina was my babysitter? Why didn't you tell me that Valcina was also a lover of Zeyon and that is why he wants to kill you."

"How do you know about that?"

"Because he was here." Well there goes my plan of him not knowing. I showed him my hip that looked halfway healed.

"Why didn't you call for me?"

"Because I'm some helpless child anymore."


"No Blade, I'm sick of everyone seeing me as a child. I'm not a child. I'm a grown woman with dreams. I'm a grown woman with her own life to live." A single tear ran down my check.

"I'm sorry Amber. I don't mean to treat you like child, I just don't want to lose you."

"I know sweetheart." I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Why do we get into such arguments? It's like every corner we turn has a problem for us to argue on." He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"My life is a problem that's why."

"So am I part of that problem."

"No, but I am." I saw my father standing by the door to our bedroom.

"What do you want Cedrick?" I rolled my eyes and tightened the towel around me as I walked towards the closet doors we had recently installed so that we didn't have to walk through the bathroom.

"I heard what you said about Cedrick beginning here. It was a good thing you didn't call for Blade or he could have kidnapped you-"

"Just like her stupid boyfriend did to her in the past and in the morning raped her. Yeah nice." Alvin and Alix was standing by the door.

"Alvin, be nice." Alix nudged him. "How are you dearest sister. I didn't see you this morning. Alix skipped over to me and gave me a big hug. He was always the nice one. I guess it's always been like that. He was nice, Alvin was meanish and I was dead smack in the middled and could go to any side at anytime. I guess we never did change...and I'm happy for that sometimes.

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