Chapter (4)

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I felt strong arms wrap tighter around my body with a sense of security. I didn't want it to end, but like always, I opened my eyes. 

I was 'blessed' to see a sleeping Blade at my side. His hair was messy and his chest rose and fell heavily. He had a smile on his face as he slept. It was only midnight. I decided it was best if I went back to sleep. 

I was going to need as much sleep as I could get.


I watched as her sleep peacefully. 

Her facial features were calm and kind. She looked happy. How was it that this little girl made me feel something? How could this little girl be the one who i needes the most?

 She was the opposite of what everyone wanted. Amber was shy and reserved, but intelligent and brave. Yet she wasn't a warrior.

Another part of me wanted to know why I had such an attraction towards her. 

Amber wasn't the type of woman I was usually attracted to. Amber had no curves nor was her hair blonde. 

Her eyes were a chocolate brown and her lips were a soft pink. Her hair was slightly past the middle of her back and was in gentle silky waves. Her skin was fair, just like her touch. 

Amber was a pure soul lost in the world of broken souls, almost like- no. 

I touched her cheek as she snuggled closer to me. The warmth of her body was like heaven. I traced my fingers up her leg until she turned her back to me. She snuggled closer to me and turned over. If only she knew why I did this, she would be thankful. I laid back down and wrapped my arms around her. She turned over with weary eyes.

"What time is it?" Her morning voice was low but soft. It would drive any man crazy.

"It's five in the morning. Go back to sleep, my dear."

"Okay." She snuggled close to me and wrapped her legs around me. I knew Amber was tired, she wouldn't be this close to me.

 She placed her chest against mine and tilted her face upward. Her lips were only inches from mine.


"Yes." Her eyes fluttered opened.

"You look so adorable when you sleep."

"Okay." She rolled over and fell asleep. She didn't even snore when she slept, unlike Violet. 

I pulled Amber close to me again and buried my face in her neck. "Please don't sniff me."

"Why not?"

"I smell horrible. I haven't showered since you kidnapped me," still delirious.

"Well, I think you smell amazing."

"Whatever." She looked at me with her dark yet bright brown eyes. She sat up and climbed out of bed. She 

I watched as she walked to the bathroom to go to the closet. Three seconds later she came back with one of my V-necks. I was a little turned on in fact. She climbed back in bed and snuggled close to me and quickly fell asleep. I smiled and slowly fell asleep.


"Blade! Blade dear, it's me, Violet. Come out dear I want to talk to you." I groaned as I heard the screechy voice. I fucking hate Violet for waking me up. I turned over to see Blade really annoyed.

"Go the fuck away Violet."

"Please let me in!"

"No, I said go away."

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