Chapter (9)

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When I finished singing, I bowed to crowd. I walked off with Matthew and the twins. "That was amazing!" Matthew picked me up and spun me around.

"Thank you..."

"Who knew you could do that?"

"Surely not me." I laughed at he put me down. I saw Blade walking towards me.

"Amica mea, that was extraordinary."

"Thank you Mr. Redwood."


"Please go back to your fiance. We will disgust this later."

"As you wish." He bowed his head and walked away. My heart broke even more.

"It's going to be okay...besides, I think his turn anyways to sing."

"What do you mean?"

"The host always sings last."


"They say Blade is like another version of Adam Levine."

"Well at least Adam Levine doesn't kidnap people."

"Hello everyone, please give around of applause to Lady Amber. Very spectacular indeed. IF only I could top that." He looked at me and winked. For some reason I winked back. "Anyways. Tonight I shall be singing Feeling, by, you guessed it, Maroon 5." Everyone started to cheer. When Blade started singing, it was truly like he was Adam Levine. He loosed his tie and threw it on the. "You and me and all that wine, loosen my tie, lie down, let's fly. Every guy that passes by."

"Look at her, look at her, ohh." The background singers and Blade pointed to me. I blushed.

Towards the end of the song. He got off the stage and started walking towards. "I've got these feeling for you and I can't help myself no more." He put his hands around my waist and started grinding himself against me. "No I can't myself more." He whispered in ear. I turned around to face Blade. He dropped the microphone. "AMica mea, I want you and only you. Not Catherine. She's a whore and nothing more. I love you. Please forgive me."

"I forgive you." Everyone awed. I kissed Blade as he ran his hand down my back.

"I'll never-"

"Get away from her." I heard Catherine. "Get away from that whore."

Did she just call me a whore? "First off you're the whore, grinding against all theses other men so don't you go around calling me whore."

"Whore, whore, whore." She was in my space. I swung at her and hit her in the bridge of her nose. I know for sure I broke it. "You bitch." She slapped me. That was the last straw. I took of me heels and picked them up. "What you going to do with those? Heel me to death."

"Exactly." I began hitting her with the toe of the shoe until she was on the floor. "You don't mess with my feelings do you understand." I glared at her. I kicked her in the abdomen. "You have no idea who you're messing with." I glared at her. "Do you understand?"

"I'm...I'm sorry Lady Amber."

"Now get out of my home." I growled. She got up and ran out the room.

"Amber are you okay?"

"This is what you should have done in the first place." I turned around and snapped at Blade. I felt a fire in my body. "If you had told her no, we wouldn't be in this situation." My voice was deeper than usual. "If only you hadn't kidnapped me." I started to float. I felt a sharp pain in my back as two black wings.

"Amber please calm down." Blade held his hand out.

"Calm down, I'm just getting started." My eyes started to glow red as the room turned dark. "It time for you to pay for what you've done." Out of the darkness I created sword.

"Amy, please don't do this...You're better than this." My heart dropped. I haven't heard that voice in a while. I turned around to see Alix, Alvin, and my birth mother.

"Alix..." I fell to the ground as my wings disappeared. "'re okay." Blade and my family rushed over to me.

"Amica mea."

"Blade...Alix." My eyes slowly closed. Everything was slowly fading away. What happened?


Sorry about the wait and sorry that this chapter is short. I just wanted to get something up.  But I also have a surprise. DUH DUH DUH!!!! I"M UPDATING TWICE TODAY!! WOLOLO! Anyways I hope you enjoy. Vote/ Share/ Comment

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