Chapter (10)

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I'm sorry I did not get this up as the same day as Ch.9, I fell asleep writing this. For some reason, I felt so awkward writing Blade's P.o.V. Yay! Anyway, I hope you enjoy. I know I say this every time but I would love, love, love if you vote/comment/share. I love you all. You are amazing. 



I woke up with throbbing pain in my head. "Do you think she's alright..." I heard Alvin.

"Yeah, she's a strong girl." Alix was pacing the room. "Do you think she'll love me less like this?"

"Walking and talking and being yourself again?"

"No a demon."

"She'll love you no matter what. She's Amber for christ sakes. She'll have to love us both. Demon or not."


"I see that she hasn't woken up yet." I heard Blade walk in.

"What happened to her?"

"I truthfully have no idea."

"You're a fucking demon, come on now."

"So you expect that because I am a demon that I should know every mystical creature."I could tell that Blade was in Alvin's face.

"Please don't fight you guy...I don't think we want Amber waking up to this." My mother's soft voice calmed the two men down.

"Fine, but that doesn't change the fact that he should know everything." I began to slowly open my eyes.

"Blade, Alvin...Alix."

"Amber. Oh my you're awake." Alvin rushed over to me to help me sit up.

"How are you speaking...let alone, walking."

"I made a deal with the devil himself...well so did mom and Alvin." They looked at Blade. I started to glare at them all.

"You sold your soul. What in hell were you thinking?" The room turned dark once more.

"Amber please calm down and let us explain." Alvin put his hand on my shoulder. "After you left, I was in more pain, I couldn't take it anymore. Lidia left me and Alvin was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has kept growing. You're boyfriend here, offered mother the gift of eternal life and good health. With that gift, we would be restored to perfect health and out full peak in life. Alvin, mother, nor I could bare the pain of one what was happening to us and the pain of you away."

"This was only my last year of highschool, I was going to come home."

"We just couldn't take that long dear. By that time Alvin would have been...gone." I looked at Alvin who was leaning against my bedroom door. "I hope you still love us."

"I do, I do truly do love you, I just wish that the idea was brought to me among others." I glared at Blade.

"I'm sorry amica mea." Blade kissed the back of my neck. I looked down to see that I was in the same pajamas that I was in earlier.

"Who changed me?"

"Me!" I mother sung. "It's just like when you were a baby."

"That's embarrassing." Alvin whispered under his breath.

"Why don't you come and join us dear."

"No thanks, I don't want to be anywhere near him."

"Really come on now."

"No he's right. I should be the one to know what's going on but I don't."

"Really Alvin, you made my boyfriend feel like it's all his fault. You should be ashame. God like this whole experience hasn't showed you how not to be so fucking rediculous."

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