Chapter (19)

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I dragged her sweet body against the color hard floor of the unused jail cell that had stood in basement of my heavenly home. I quickly opened the cell and and chained her against the wall. As I left the cell I heard laughter. It was almost sinister, yet very angelic. She was alway and the dark power that surrounded her was growing.

"You really think these things will hold me." I her rustle in her chains.

"No, but that cell will. I advise you not to touch it."

"Why, you afraid I'm going to rip your throat out. In due time, yes. I'm going to make you pay for what you did to Blade."She sneered.

"You're quite attractive when you act serious." I stepped towards her and held her chin.

"I can't say the same for you." She spat in my face. I still spelt the mint that lingered in her breath.

"Why do you have to be so mean? I'm trying to be nice you know. It's not everyday, I see such a beautiful woman." I trusted myself against her. "I want to hear you moan my name, and then I'll let you roam freely amongst your new home." I ripped off her pants to show very modest, yet alluring underwear.

"Don't you dare touch me." She tried to kick, but wasn't any match for me.

"Now, now my sweet. It's going to be so quick, so pleasurable, that you'll never want to go to your dearest Blade again." I ran my hands up her shirt and saw the fury in her eyes ignite.

"I said don't touch me." She broke her chains and pushed me away. "You're a filthy rat."

"Oh, really then I'll show you the harm rats can really do." I pushed her against the wall of her cell. With a loud thud and a groan. She whipped out a mace and head in her hands.

"I'm gonna bash your fucking skull in." She gripped the handle.

"Bring it darling, in the end, you'll be wish I'd fuck you."

"In your dreams." She smirked. I couldn't lie, she had to be one of the most attractive women I've ever seen, even more beautiful than Valcina It was a pity she was the one who I had to use to finally end Blade's life. He was a good friend until he took her from me.

"Darling, my dreams are about to come a reality." I tackled her and pinned her on the ground. "Say goodbye to everything you hold dearest."Say goodbye to your poor little Blade, for you are mine now.


I could feel her pain. I could feel her torture. My poor Amberlyn. She's gone. I walked to our empty master bedroom and laid down. The pillows were laced with the autumn breeze that endured eer strand of her hair. Her side of the bed was cold. She was not here to keep my soulless body warm.

"Blade are you okay?" I looked up to see Cedrick standing by the door.

"No, no Cedrick I am not alright."

"Look, I know you are upset that Zeyon has Amberlyn, but you can not dwell on the situation. We need to be ready to attack. It might take a while, but you have to believe in yourself. She could die if you give up."

"Who said I was giving up?" My voice boomed. "Why do you expect me to give up?"

"Well it seems that you are sitting here instead of planning; the more you wait, the worse her situation will get and at some point Zeyon will-"

"I know what Zeyon will do! Don't you think I know that!" My voice was getting a little louder.

"Blade, I'm not saying you don't, but right now you need to think about the possibilities."

"The possibilities that she's either locked away or smoothing that ass-hats chapped lips. I'm going to kill him either way even if it cost my life."

"Well that's a pln that only Alvin would enjoy."

"Not true." I saw Alvin leaning on the door frame. "I may hate him because of what he has done to Amberlyn, but I'm grateful he's given me the gift of being able to watch her for eternity."

"Is that all your grateful for?" Cedrick squeezed his nose. At this moment, I could see the distinct similarities between Cedric and my Amber, the light complection, the powerful stance, perfectly rounded brown eyes that glistened as if they had cried, but had not; there was a great deal of intelligence, like they had seen the whole world, well at least Cedrick did. Almost everything was similar, except jaw line and personality. Cedrick was strong, but used it as a defense, while Amberlyn was shy, and used her mind as combat, only used a weapon if necessary She was very powerful, never used it for evil unlike her father. At one point, he used his status to manipulate millions of angel into siding with Zeyon, only because he had not know what Zeyon plan was. He was a naive old man.

"Actually no, I'm grateful he makes Amber happy. She seems to love him more than anything in the word. All I want is to keep her safe and happy, Blade has done that for me, well up until this point, but I've got a feeling he's going to get her back."

"Yeah, I'm right here."

"I know, I just like to pretend you're not."

"You're an ass."

"And you are a blood sucking demon from Hell."

"Nope, from heaven." Cedrick piped in. Alvin turned to me and cocked his head.

"It's a long story, I rather not speak about." I rather not speak to anyone right now, all I want is Amber... 

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