Chapter (6)

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When everyone was done with the pool, I showed the gentlemen to their rooms so they could get settled in and take a shower. The twins wanted to share a bed which was kinda a weird to me. I don't judge. It probably helps them sleep. In reality it was cute.

I walked upstairs and found Blade lying on the bed only in boxers. I of course was still in my swim suit. "Are you okay Blade?"

"I'm peachy sweet heart."

"Oh, okay." I slipped into the bathroom. I instantly heard the door close. I turned around to Blade angrier than I've seen him the past two days.

"I know what you did and let me tell you, it did wonders."

"What are you talking about?"

"Flirting with Matthew to make me jealous. Rosaline told me everything. Let me say, you are a clever girl." He had me pinned against the counter.

"What are you talking about?"

"Do play stupid because that one thing you are way too far from."

"I'm serious, what are you talking about."

"Playing cute with Matthew and getting close to him." He grabbed me and pushed me against the wall. "Now tell me, why did you do it?"

"To get back at you pretty boy for raping me."

"Why do you make me so angry?" Blade slammed my back against the wall. I fell to ground with a cry. "Get up!" I was pulled up by my forearm and dragged into the bedroom. "Strip." I slowly slid off the bikini. Blade pushed me on top of the bed. He climbed on top of me and pulled down his boxers. He bit down on my neck. I screamed in pain. I could feel my blood being drained from my body.


"Rosaline do not lie to me, was Amber flirting with Matthew."

"Maybe, I don't know."


"Yes she was My Lord."

"Thank you." I balled my fist. I saw Amber showing everyone to their rooms. The twins were first then Matthew was last. She smiled at him and waved good bye. I watched her skip towards me. I groaned and decided to lay down. I changed into a pair of boxers first. I heard the door closed and sensed Amber's presence.

"Are you okay Blade?"

"I'm peachy sweet heart."

"Oh, okay." I watched Maber slip into the bathroom. I frowned and followed her.

"I know what you did and let me tell you, it did wonders."

"What are you talking about?"

"Flirting with Matthew to make me jealous. Rosaline told me everything. Let me say, you are a clever girl." I pinned her against the counter with my hands on both sides of her.

"What are you talking about?"

"Do play stupid because that one thing you are way too far from."

"I'm serious, what are you talking about."

"Playing cute with Matthew and getting close to him." I grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. "Now tell me, why did you do it?"

She blew a piece of hair from her face. "To get back at you pretty boy for raping me." She smirked

"Why do you make me so angry?" I slammed her back against the wall. She fell to ground with a cry. "Get up!" I pulled Amber up by her forearm and dragged her into the bedroom. "Strip." She slowly took of her bikini, knowing what was to happen to her. I pushed Amber on top of the bed. I climbed on top of her and pulled down my boxers. I bit down on my neck. She screamed in pain. It filled me with joyment. Slowly she began to stop struggling. This is what you get for flirting with another man. I wiped my mouth and walked to the closet. I found a pair of sweatpants and put them on. I walked downstairs and grabbed the whiskey bottle. It would be at least nine hours before Amber woke up and right now it was two o'clock. I walked back upstairs and told everyone that Amber and I were going to retire early. I walked upstairs and decided to drown myself in whiskey. I locked the door and leaned against it. I started to drink from the bottom. Three bottles later I was drunk. I waddled to the bed and face planted next to Amber. I pulled myself up and snuggled under the blanket. I pulled Amber close to me. I could the sweet scent of her blood fill my nose. I bit into her neck and started to feed from her until she turned pale. She was so delicious. I pulled her close to me and fell asleep.

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