Chapter (23)

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I just want to thank all of you guys who have kept up with my story, but please, leave a vote and a comment below. I want to know that you are still here and still enjoying this dragging story. 

I awoke to find myself in the arms of Zeyon, he played with my hair and he stroke my cheek. I turned over and placed a smiled on my face. It was smiled of pure compassion. I didn't understand why though. 

"Why hello there darling, it's good to know you're awake," he smirked.

"How long was I sleeping?" I sat up and yawned.

"A day or so," he sat up as well. My eyes widened.

"You can't be serious," I stood up and looked around for my clothes. They were scattered everywhere, but his weren't. I grabbed my underwear and pulled them on. 

"But I am, I've gone and worked and have come back, but you've kept sleeping. They say that's the true sign of a matched pair," he winked.

How could that be, I was matched with Blade...he must be joking with me. Rosaline paired us...did she lie to me. "You're joking, right?" I covered my mouth. At same time I wanted to smiled with pure happiness. I had no more control over myself, it was like another person was controlling my brain, my actions, and my emotions.

'What's wrong? Are you not in love with me?" he crawled over the bed and knelt in front of me. He cupped my face. You could say I would be, but I had already found the man who loved me most, or at least I thought I did.

"I am, but it's just that-"

"You never thought Heaven would make such a mistake. Trust me, it happens all the time," he rolled his eyes, "But forge my love, I would finally like to show you something," he pulled me out of bed and wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"What is it?"

"You'll see, but first get dressed in something nice," he snapped his fingers and instantly a guard appeared. He held a box with a silver ribbon.

"What is it?" I looked at the box.

"It's something nice," he winked and walked over to jail door. The guard slid the box through the gaps between bars. 

"Like," I cocked my head and stared at him. Blade never really did that for me. There were already clothes in the closet for me. Yeah they were nice, but just not something I was fond of. 

"Just open the dam box yourself," he laughed as he handed to me. I took of the ribbon and opened the box and found a neatly folded black spaghetti strap jumper," this was something more of my style.I kissed his cheek lightly and hugged him, "I'm guessing you like?" he hugged me back.

"I love it," I stepped away from him and took it out of the box. I threw the box in an unknown corner and held it to my body. I could see Zeyon eyeballing me carefully.

"Hurry and put it on, I want to show you some more things," he sounded excited, just like a school boy in a candy shop. I slipped it on quickly and looked at Zeyon. I had never seen happiness one a person's face like his before, "You look so beautiful in that," he held my waist. a jolt of excitement went through my body. I turned my face away and blushed.

"Really?" I continued to look at the ground.

"So beautiful, I might just have to keep you locked away so no one ever gets you," he kissed my lips and pulled my closer to him. 

"God please don't keep me lock in here. I'm so lonely without you," I said dramatically. Zeyon smirked at me and whistled for a guard to open the jail cell. When I steppes out, and instant shock of cold went through my foot. I yelped in pain and went back into my cell. At first, Zeyon didn't know what was wrong until he looked at my feet.

"You have no shoes..." he rubbed the back of his head.

"And why is that," I said bluntly, know he remembered when I first got here. 

"How about I just carry you,"  he snaked his hand around my waist and picked me up bridal style, "My god, you're so light woman," he laughed.

"Well I'm only 140 pounds," I smiled.

"Of pure cuteness," he kissed my forehead.It took a couple of minutes to finally exit the jail, but it was worth it. I saw the hidden beauty of Heaven.. I saw the reason why Blade wanted it back so much. This place was beautiful beyond imagined. i use to think it was just clouds, but instead it was a whole civilization in the sky. He put down and took my hand. The floor was like stepping on cotton. 

"This is Heaven?" I looked around some more. Everyone here looked casual except the few men dressed in armor, but besides that, it looked so normal.

"This is indeed my darling," he put his arm around my shoulder and smiled.

"It's so beautiful," I looked him with the biggest smile.

"Not as beautiful as you my dear," he held my waist and kissed my lips gentle. 

What was this man doing to me? I just wanted to go home, but now, all I want to do is stay in his arms. I want to keep him close to me. 

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