Chapter (20)

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His hand had touch my skin in every way. I would rather be torn apart then endure his touch, his kiss, anything that involved him. Zeyon had it coming for sure. He was going to pay for what he did to Blade, but what he also had done to me. I wanted his head on a silver platter. He was surely going to die by my hands.

"Good morning darling," I looked up to see Zeyon standing in front of my cell. A little miny demon growled at my side. I had met the little demon on a very sad day but after that, he's been my little friend. I called him Oross. He was like a little ghost flame with arms and bright blue eyes. Oh how I cherished him, especially in these dark times.

"It's okay little soul," I patted the little demon. It's been two weeks since I've been here and everyday, Zeyon comes by to tease me and to torture me. I only endure it because I want to be strong for BLade, even if I known him for just a short five months. He is the man I love, the only man I shall ever love. Yes, we've had our differences, especially when it came down for him to tell his parents. Yeah, demons-angel people have parents. It had confused me at first as well.

*Flash Back*

"Blade, darling, will I ever get to meet your parents," I hugged him from behind.

"No," He broke away from me and walked to the bathroom. What is God's name was wrong with him. First we were all over each other and then he acts like he doesn't want to be near me because I have the plague.

"Why not, you clearly know mine, why can't I meet yours. It would be good for us, besides I would like to know-"

"There is nothing for you to know! Now drop it!" His right temple throb; I knew I should stop asking, but I couldn't.

"Why? Do you think they won't like me? Why are you treating me like a mistress?" I clenched my fist.

"That is because I want you to be, I never told my parents about us, besides, they wouldn't care anyways." It sounded like he didn't want me...

"You wanted me as your mistress...I thought I was your soulmate," Tears filled my eyes.

"You are, and that is why, I didn't want to get close to you because of Zeyon, but you know that plan didn't work, I just don't want to involve anymore people in this mess," He ran his hands through his hair. He kept his back towards me.

"They are your parents. How aren't they involved?" I faced him towards me.

"Amber, just drop it," He shoved his way past me and walked to our bed, "I just want to get to sleep," he laid under the blanket.

"You don't need sleep," I stripped out of my day clothes and put on one of Blade's tee-shirt and pajamas bottoms.

"I do now after this argument." He turned his back away from me.

"Why are you being such an ass?" I walked towards the bed.

"Why are you being so god damn nosey?" He raised his voice. Tears fell down my cheek. I looked at the entrance to our bedroom door. All I wanted to do was leave and Blade knew that,"Amber, wait I'm sorry," I looked at him and couldn't hold them back and more. As quickly as I could I ran down the step and out the front to the nearest park where Blade took me on our third date. I sat on the slide and hide my face in my legs. I always came here when I needed a little space from Alvin and Blade fighting.

"What's wrong?" I looked up to see a soul sitting across from me, he was about five inches. At first he had scared me, but then I felt a calming aroma.

"I'm just a mistress to him. I'm His Mistress, nothing more, nothing less," I wiped the tears from my eyes. I had no idea why I was talking with him, but me made me feel like I could trust this little soul.

"No you aren't, he loves you. Trust me, I can feel it."


"I'm apart of you. I'm your soul," I held out my hand.

"Then why are you still black instead of white?" He hopped into it and sat down.

"I am like a shadow of you, a good one of course, but when you finally unlock your true potential, I'll become white," He rubbed my hand.

"Who exactly are you?"

"I'm not sure, I don't have a name," he looked sad.

"Hmm," I hadn't thought of naming a soul before..."How about- wait maybe I'll call you Oross and you'll be my little personal soul," I smiled. He made me calm.

"Really! Oh how joyful," He exclaimed, "I really do-" he was cut off by distant yelling.

"Amberlyn, darling where are you?" I could hear Blade step into the wood chips of the playground and up the playset. Oross quickly disappeared as Blade came into view, "Darling, there you are, I was so worried," he sat next to me. I kept my face away from his, "Look, I know you are mad at me, I truly do. I promise when this is all over that you'll be able to meet them...does that make you feel better?" He wrapped his arms around me.

"No," I scooted closer the opening of the slide.

"Amber what's wrong?" He got closer to me.

"You called me your mistress. That's all you wanted me to be, that's what's wrong, because I believe at first that finally I found someone to love and that you would love me equally, but no, you wanted me as your mistress," I cried. I just wanted to be loved by him, yes I hated him at first because I had no idea why he had done what he had done...

" understand I want you safe and happy because God knows that I love you to hell and heaven. I didn't want it to seem like I had the intention of making you a mistress, god knows I didn-"

"Then why did you say you wanted me to be your mistress earlier?" I snapped at him.

"You didn't let me explain myself. Look, I didn't know you were my soulmate and that time, I thought you were some attractive young girl with a special ability and that I could get into my bed and use to get my home back. I didn't realize you were the same girl I watched, the same girl I fell in love with even when you were young..."

"So your plan was to just use me or to use to some random girl," I slid down the slide and started to walk home. I could handle him.

"Amber, you aren't just some random girl to me. I love you, please forgive my foolishness," He appeared in front of me and knelt down.

"Why should I, all you want is to hurt me," I gritted my teeth.

"No, never, I want you safe, I want you happy. I want to be with you and I'm stupid for saying I wanted you as my mistress. I didn't know what I was thinking. I know this is so cliche, but please don't leave me," he beg...from then on, I couldn't remember what happened next. Life for me is moving way too fast. 

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