Chapter (15)

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 It's been a few months since I was first told about what was truly happening and I was still trying on fully digest what was happening. The Heavens were taken from the angels by a man or ex-angel name Zeyon. He had once been Blade's friend and my father's apprentice, but he turned evil because of something in which Blade had done. I have still yet to uncover the truth. I was so close, but everytime I ask him he goes on to the next topic and some days I don't get to ask him because I'm at school and he'll be in his office working on something else. It didn't bother me though. I was very independent and I knew he was keeping whatever secret from me for safety reasons. I walked over to my bed and laid down. I rubbed my head and covered myself with the blanket.

"You okay hun?" Blade entered the room and closed the door. He was dressed in a dark slack that hung closely to his legs and a dark buttondown that showed his captivating muscles. SOmetimes I just wanted to rip his shirt off of him and tear him to shreds.

"Yes, I'm fine." I rolled over to face the wall.

"Don't lie to me Amber, now I will ask you again, are you okay?" He knew me so well. I sighed and rolled back over.

"Truthfully, no. I don't know what is happening. My life has gone down in a downhill spiral."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault Blade."

"I know...or so I hope I know. I just wish I could just end all of this, make all this terror go away with a snap, but I can't and that what makes me frustrated. I see the love of my life sitting in our room with the lights off and the curtains closed. You don't seem to enjoy the outside anymore, you don't seem to enjoy my company."

"Don't say that, I love your company, it's the only thing keeping me from going farmhouse crazy." I heard Blade chuckle. I got up from the bed and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Trust me darling, I love you and I'm glad that the situation I'm in is with you you because I know that you shall always be my guardian, my lover, and my only true love."

"You know, it funny how I always forget that we are fighting for heaven and your safety. You just make my life a whole lot more manageable."

"Now what's that suppose to mean?" His hands were on my hips, riding up in my shirt. He pressed himself against my and smirked at me. My cheeks were brightly colored as I looked away. Everytime I'm with him I feel like a little school girl with her first lover, in reality, that is who I am. He kissed my neck, making me laugh. He pressed me against the closest wall and roamed my torso with his hands.

"It means you should probably lock your door." BLade stepped away and cleared his throat. I saw Alvin staring at me with harsh eyes.

"This is my home, I can leave whatever door I want unlocked or even open."

"Not if you want people walking in on your games with my fucking sister."

"Maybe you should learn how to knock, it'd be useful for you disrespectful ass."

"Maybe you-"

"Maybe you should both stop fighting. MY god, why can't you two get along. You'll be seeing each other everyday regarding my safety."

"You know, I wouldn't have to be taking to him if he would've left you alone and didn't kidnap you."

"We've been over this a million times. He did that because he believes Zayon was watching me."

"And how does that matter?"

"Because you'd be dead if it wasn't for Blade now why don't you just get along with him, Alix is."

"He sent mom to hell!"

"She deserved to be there."


"Why don't you ask my entire childhood how?" I balled my fist and looked at the floor. I could feel the dark aura around me rise.

"I'm sorry Amber."

"Please stop saying that, just tell me why you are here."

"Aunty wanted me to tell you she is going to hell to get father."

"He's not my father."


"No he isn't."

"Why do you say that love?"

"Because he isn't." I marched to the bathroom and slammed the door. I leaned my back against it and fell to the floor. Because he wasn't there for my victories and my defeats. He wasn't there when mother left us alone. He wasn't there my whole childhood. He wasn't my father. He may have helped to conceive me, but that doesn't make him my father. He was never there, absent from my life. I heard a knock at the door and quickly wiped my tears away. I straightened myself out and opened the door...there he stood in all his unearned glory...there he stood, my...nothing.

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