Chapter (5)

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"Ready to serve Amber." Oh this was going to be great.

"Sure, whatever."

"Attitude, we have guests coming over."


"Good, please go get some sweets ready."

"Sweets? Demons eat sweets. What the flips?"

"Yes, what else did you think we eat."

"I didn't think you ate at all. I thought you drank blood."

"Yeah maybe the only thing I drink is blood." Blade held my neck up to his mouth. "Come to think of it, I may only want to drink your blood."

"I'm okay. No need to do that."

"One day, just you wait."

"Yeah, I'll wait." I heard the doorbell.

"Now love, be on your best behavior and make me some cookies." Blade winked at me and disappeared. Ten seconds later I heard a bunch of yelling then foot steps that were coming my way. I decided to get Momma's cookies and pop them into the microwave. I saw three other men besides Blade. I quickly grabbed the cookies out of the microwave before anyone saw. I turned around and placed them on the counter. All the men sat on bar stools as Blade came around the kitchen to hug me from behind. "Smells good, what did you bake?"

"Cookies." I smiled. I turned around and placed my hands on Blade's chest and whispered, "That happened to be Rosaline's."

"I know, you didn't have enough time to make some but you will next time."

"Hey, Blade is this you're new girl. She's a cutie."

"No actually I'm not his new girl, I'm just a maid that he seems to fond of." I pushed Blade away and opened the fridge. "Is there something you would like to drink."

"Milk please." I turned around to see twin and might I add very handsome twins. They had dirty blonde hair styled into a quiff with soft blue eyes. The one on the right's quiff was tiled to the left a bit while the on on the left was tiled to the right.

"Sure and what about you, what would you like?"

"Milk would be fine."

"Okay." I saw Blade reaching for glasses in the cupboard next to the sink. I bumped him with my hip with a smile. "I've got it. Go sit down Master and chat with your dashingly handsome friends."

"Did you hear that, she call us dashingly handsome."With a smile I began pouring each of the men a glass of milk. After filling all of the cups I filled them up one by one with a wink to the last guy. He had dark red hair and silver eyes.

"What's your name darling?"


"What a pretty name for a pretty girl."

"Thank you."

"No problem darling." He winked at me. I saw Blade's jaw stiffen.

"Okay Mathew that's enough." Blade pulled my arm.

"Oh what's wrong Blade, you don't me flirting with you little girl."


"Then what."

"I don't want her flirting with the likes of you."

"Oh come on, I'm not that bad." I heard everyone laugh.

"Yes you are dude." said the right twin.

"Shut up Ryan." Matthew flashed his fangs and Ryan flashed his fangs in return. Fucking demons I swear to god.

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