Part 11

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Leo's Pov, 

The Snow is gone and Hagrid once again got something I wish to see! A DRAGONS EGG! "So are you sure it will hatch what if it's a fak-" I start before there are some knocks on the door making Hagrid walk over to it. 

"Don't wish to be rude, but I'm in no state to entertain." Hagrid says but before he can close the door again three voices speak at the same time. "We know about the Philosopher's Stone." They say making Hagrid open the door for them with a "Ow." 

"We think Snape's trying to steal it." Harry says and again Snape?! " Are you still on about him?" I say as I have some cloves on and stand next to the fire! All I wanted was to see a baby dragon was that to much to ask?!

"We know he's after it. We don't know why." Harry ads on once again making now Hagrid speak and he should have better kept his mouth shut. "Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone. He won't steal it." He says before I speak. "So if you three do not mind we have things to do."


"You heard. Come on, I'm a bit preoccupied today." Hagrid says but I'm nodding my head in agreement! But they don't move a muscle, why..... just why! Me sneaking out is one thing them? Well it's another. "Wait a minute. One of the teachers?" Harry says before now Hermione gasps. 

"Of  course! There are other things defending the Stone, aren't there?  Spells, enchantments." Hermione says while Fang is sniffing Ron. "Right. Waste of bloody time, if you ask me. Ain't no one gonna get past Fluffy. Ain't a soul knows how, except for me, Dumbledore and Leo. I shouldn't have told you that. I should not have told you that." Hagrid says while I send a glare his way as the other three now look at me. 

"I do not know anything!" I quickly say as sounds are coming out of the kettle making me quickly take the burning hot egg out as I walk over to the table. "Ow... wow this is... wow really hot!" I say as the heat comes through the heat as I lay the egg down while Hagrid, Hermione, Ron and Harry are quick to follow after me. 

"- Hagrid, what exactly is that?" Harry asks making Hagrid begin to stutter over his words as he tries to explain it while my eyes are still fixated on the dragon egg! " That? It's... That is uhm." 

"I know what that is! But, Hagrid, how did you get one?"  Ron asks with wide eyes and well here comes the story about how Hagrid won the dragon egg! "I won it. Off a stranger I met down at the pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it, as a matter of fact."  

Hearing cracks soon the egg bursts apart as a brown small dragon now sits on the middle of the table while I look at it with awe! IT'S A BABY DRAGON! "Is that......a dragon?"  Hermione asks in disbelief and all I can do is nod my head quickly before Ron speaks. "That's not just a dragon. That's a Norwegian Ridgeback. My brother works with these in Romania." He says as the dragon moves over to me and Hagrid and tilts it head to the side. 

 "Isn't he beautiful? Oh, bless him, Look, he knows his mummy. Hello, Norbert." Hagrid says as he scratches the happy sounding dragon right now. "Norbert?"

"He's gotta have a name, don't he? Don't you, Norbert?" Hagrid says before Norbert burps and sets Hagrids beard on fire while I can't stop the snickers that leave my lips by the sight of it as I pick the small dragon up. 

"Where the North wind meets the sea

There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river, all is found

In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far or you'll be drowned" i softly sing to the dragon who nuzzles itself more against my arm before it's eyes close making a smile settle on my face. 

"Who's that?" I hear Hagrid asks as he looks out of his window before we all see that famous blonde hair, we are so screwed. "Malfoy."

"Oh, dear." 


"Hagrid always wanted a dragon. Told me so the first time I met him. ." Harry says as we four are quickly walking back towards our rooms. " It's crazy. And worse, Malfoy knows." Ron says as I see mother walk out with a candle in hand making me gulp down. "I don't' understand is that bad?" Harry asks. "It's very bad, uhm night mother?" I shyly say as I look at the woman before sending a glare towards the white rat beside her. 

"Evening." She says as she walks into the classroom and we follow after her while Draco has this smug smile on his lips making me kick his foot from underneath him as he crashes into the ground and I continue to walk as if nothing happened. 

"Mr Malfoy." Mother says as she looks at the boy who lays on the ground who quickly gets up and move to stand a couple feet away from us still with that smug smile on his lips. Next time I'll make sure he'll trip off of a mountain. 

"Nothing, I repeat, a student the right to walk about at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken." Mother starts before she's cut off by a wide eyed Harry while Ron and Hermione have the same shock on their faces! Can't blame them that's a whole lot of points. 

"Each. To ensure it doesn't happen again......all five of you will receive detention." She speaks now an I can't stop the smirk that now grows on my face as I look at Draco who looks confused and taken aback by the words of mother. "Excuse me, professor, perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said the five of us." Draco tries as he steps closer to the desk but it's no use as we now all look at him with grins on our faces while I think Hermione will go into a shock soon from her detention. 

"No, you heard me correctly. Honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention. Now off to bed." She says as we turn around and start to walk away but I should have known better. 

"All but you Leonidas." She says and I release a sigh as Ron and Harry try to give me courage with their smile before they walk out while I turn back around towards mother who looks less than pleased with me right now. "The amount of times you've been wandering around at night, not only through the School but also the Forbidden Forest would have gotten any other student expelled.... you can't keep doing this." She says with a shake of her head making me sigh as I walk closer to her. 

"I just like to be in the forest what's wrong with th-" 

"What's wrong with that is that you're a 11-year-old, and there are dangers in the forest Leo what if something happens to you out there? You can't keep wandering headfirst into danger." She says and I now am the one shaking my head. "But it's not dangerous....  I've never gotten hurt in the fores-" 

"And it will only take one time for you to not return anymore? What happens when a wolf grabs you or a Werewolf or a troll? A Ogre? One of those Spiders? What happens when you wander into the Centaur camp?" She lists up and I try to speak before she does. "I do not wish to hear it Leo, my heart could not handle it if something happens to you. Your still just a boy!" She says with desperation and worry in her tone making me sigh as I look down at the stones that make the floor. 

"I can't promise you that I won't wander into the Forbidden Forest again, I-I just feel at ease there but I will try to not go at night anymore..... or on a full moon, or to close to the spiders. I will try you have my word oke?" I say as I look up through my eyelashes at the woman who takes a deep breath. 

"Off to bed Leo." She says making me run over to her and hug the woman before running away. "I love you!" I yell back as I run through the empty corridors as somehow Dawn runs over to me and we race back to our room while I hear mother probably mumble that one day I will be the dead of her. Hey I got detention but I saw a dragon be hatched! HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN SAY THAT THEY SAW IT HAPPEN IN PERSON?  NOT MANY BUT I'M ONE OF THEM SO I'LL TAKE THE DETENTION! 

Author's Note, 

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Patr-EoN The-Last-Wolf1998

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