Part 18

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Leo's Pov, 

"Alright take a seat Mr Black." Mother says as we are having this career talk and of course none other than the Warthog is sitting there with a clipboard on her knee.... this is going to go great. I'm just ready for this year to be over, she tried to pin it on me what happened to her plates but well she didn't have any proof.... she still makes me eat all alone on my tiny table and throws detention my way whenever she really feels like it. 

"Well, Black, this meeting is to talk over any career ideas you might have, and to help you decide which subjects you should continue into the sixth and seventh years,' said Mother.  "Have you had any thoughts about what you would like to do after you leave Hogwarts?" 

"I uhm well I was thinking about teaching?" I say and I see a smile form on mothers lips as she nods her head. "You need top grade for that for in the field you wish to teach in, an Outstanding in N.E.W.T Level. And some experience, schools hire only the best of the best.... or they try to at least." She says as she looks towards the Warthog at the end making me hold back my chuckle. 

"Do  you know what subject?" Mother says a little louder as we ignore the couch from the thing next to her. "I don't really know, I like most of my classes so no not really." I say and she nods her head as Warthog releases another cough now a little louder. 

"Well you're doing great in all your classes, Outstanding for Care of Magical Creatures, Potions, Charms, Transfiguration. Herbology." She lists up and I nod my head. 

"May I offer you a cough drop, Dolores?" Mother asks as she doesn't even look in the direction as another cough was being heard.  "Oh, no, thank you very much," said Umbridge, with that simpering laugh I hate so much. "I just wondered whether I could make the teensiest interruption, Minerva?" She says and here we bloody go. 

"I daresay you'll find you can,' said Mother through tightly gritted teeth. "I was just wondering whether Mr Black has quite the temperament for an Professor?" said the warthog sweetly. 

"Were you?" says mother haughtily. "Well, Black," she continued, as though there had been no interruption and I couldn't stop the grin from growing on my face, 'if you are serious in this ambition, I would say continue as you are right now. As for Defense Against the Dark Arts, your marks have been generally high, Professor Lupin in particular thought you - are you quite sure you wouldn't like a cough drop, Dolores." She says as another bloody cough was heard! 

"Oh, no need, thank you, Minerva I  was just concerned that you might not have Leo's most recent Defense Against the Dark Arts marks in front of you. I'm quite sure I slipped in a note." She says and it makes mother pull out this file filled with pink notes.

"What this thing? " Mother says as she briefly looks at the file before putting it down again. "Now as I was saying Leo, Professor Lupin said you had a real talent for the subje-" She starts before she's now cut off by the thing next to her! 

"Did you not understand my note, Minerva?" 

"Of course I understood it," said mother, her teeth clenched so tightly the words came out a little muffled this isn't going to end well. For the warthog in that case than. 

"Well, then, I am confused... I'm afraid I don't quite understand how you can give Mr Black false hope that -" She starts before mother now cuts her off as she still hasn't looked at the pink thing next to her. "False hope? He has achieved Outstanding marks in all his Defense Against the Dark Arts tests -" Mother says and well yes, even better than Hermione should get  a medal for it! 

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