Part 2

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Leo's Pov, 

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW HARRRY!" I yell as I barge into his room at the Leaky Coundril making the boy snap in my direction before running over and pulling me into a bone crushing hug. 

"Leo." He breaths out and I nod my head as I wrap my arms around him. "Alright, alright enough with this sappy stuff! We've got things to do places to conquer!" I say as we pull apart and I turn to walk out of his room again, mother and me are shopping for my stuff and well I was allowed to spend some hours here with Harry so we are going into Diagon alley! 

"What are you even doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Hogwarts?" Harry asks as he closes his door and we start to walk through the hallway before moving down the stairs. "Well yes but you kno-" I start before I'm cur off by mother. 

"Good afternoon Mr Potter, you know the rules I will be here to pick you up after supper." Mother says with a pointed look as she stares at me making me nod my head. "Tell me please one time when I did not beh-" 

"I can tell you probably a hundred times only for this summer that you haven't behaved, after supper Leonidas." She counters as she cuts me off making Harry snicker beside me before it turns into a groan as mother turns around and I slam my elbow into his stomach. "Stop laughing before you can spend you day alone.... in your room all sad." I say as he double overs and holds his stomach while I make my way fully down the steps. 

"I'll behave you have my word, love you." I say as I briefly hug mother with my best innocent smile making her raise her brow at me. "I will hear if you haven't Leonidas, now be save, stay out of trouble and I love you too." She says before walking out of the Leaky Coundril and Harry shoves my shoulder. 

"Oi what are you doing that for! Come on Potter!" 


Running away from Harry I soon crash into someone making a grunt leave both of our lips as we tumble down towards the ground before I see Daphne practically laying underneath me. "Merlins beard Black can't you look out where your going!" She says with a raised brow and a shake of her head in annoyance as I quickly get up again as people look at me and mumble probably about me. 

"Sorry Daphne I didn't uhm see you." I say as I get some dirty looks while holding my hand out for the girl that she takes before I pull her up. "What haven't ever seen two people trip!" She snaps towards the people who look away quickly making me and Harry begin to laugh at the girls actions. "Bloody fools." 

"So what's bringing you here?" Harry asks her with a smile. "We're getting our school supplies, well my sister Astoria she will be starting Hogwarts this year." Daphne says making me hum. "Well that's good let's hope she's not as annoying and ru-" 

"Finish that sentence I dare you Leo." She says with a challenging look. "And rude as her sister." I say as I start to run away from her with some laughter while she yells after me and Harry also can't stop the laughter that leaves his lips as we run away from the Blonde Slytherin girl. 

Passing a ice cream cart I soon stop before Harry slams against my back. "Hi I want a cone with uhm..... uhm mocha flavour........ vanilla........ hmmm toffee and whipped cream!" I say to the vender who starts to get my ice cream ready as I turn towards Harry. "What do you want?" 

"I uhm left my mone-" 

"Did I ask where your money is? I asked what you want, it's my threat since I'm your best cousin and all." I say with a wiggle of my eyebrows. "Uhm two chocolate and a vanilla please with whipped cream." He says to the vendor while I greedily take my ice cream once he's done. 

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